Monday, October 1, 2012

‘Friendship’ turned nightmare for Musa

Chief Minister Musa Aman's bogeyman case has become a nightmare for his officers in the CM's office.
KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Chief Minister’s office is keenly watching an ongoing court case involving a businessman whom Chief Minister Musa Aman has previously claimed he did not know.
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) case against one Michael Chia Tien Foh has got Musa’s office sufficiently hot and bothered that it has even “advised” the mainstream media to avoid mention of the case, sources said.
Most have taken the advice to heart and there is little news in the mainstream media that the MACC case against the businessman was winding its way through the courts until one newspaper unexpectedly published a court decision that Musa’s bogeyman must face trial.
Musa has been haunted by the controversial businessman since 2008 when the latter was arrested in Hong Kong as he was about to exit the country with a bag stuffed with cash amounting to some S$16 million.
In the subsequent investigations, Chia reportedly told the Hong Kong’s Independent Commission on Anti-Corruption (ICAC) that the money was not his and actually belonged to Musa.
Musa, who also heads Umno in resource-rich Sabah, is still the subject of ongoing concurrent investigations in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Switzerland involving a Swiss UBS bank account under his name that allegedly has $100 million.
The Swiss prosecutor has stated that the government would freeze the account if the Malaysian government requested they do so.
Recently, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak revealed that investigation reports on the Musa’s cases were with the Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail.
But the opposition has grabbed hold of the scandal and refuses to let go, alleging that the trail of alleged illegal dealings leads right to Najib’s office.
Chia ordered to enter defence
PKR vice-president, Tian Chua, has claimed that leaked MACC investigation papers disclosed that Musa told investigators that the $100 million under his name in the UBS account was not his but Umno’s and as such directly implicates Najib.
Now that the controversial Sabah businessman has been ordered to enter his defence on a charge of attempting to cheat another local businessman over the right to log and extract commercial timber at the Kalabakan Forest Reserve, Musa is furtively watching the case.
On Aug 24, Sandakan High Court judge Supang Lian set aside the acquittal of Chia by the Sessions Court and set Sept 12 for the mention of Chia’s case at the Sessions Court.
Supang, in allowing the prosecution’s appeal against Chia on Aug 24, however, dismissed the prosecution’s appeal against the acquittal of another businessman Lo Man Heng jointly charged with Chia, ruling that the link between Lo and the offence had not been established.
Both Chia and Lo, who were charged under Section 420 of Penal Code, had been acquitted by the Sessions Court on Sept 23 last year without their defence being called.
The two were charged with attempting to cheat one Agus Hassan of Syarikat Peluamas Sdn Bhd by deceiving him into believing that there were three conditions that had to be fulfilled in order to obtain the letter concerning the logging operation of Coupe BW12/02: Extraction and Purchasing of Commercial Timber at Kalabakan Forest Reserve.
According to the charge, the three conditions were namely to surrender back the purchase of 100,000 cubic metres of logs signed on May 23, 2004 to Rakyat Berjaya Sdn Bhd /Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Yayasan Sabah.
The second condition was to pay RM3 million as political funds to Umno Sabah and the third condition was to pay a commission of RM25 per cubic metre on logs extracted by Sysrikat Peluamas Sdn Bhd at Gunung Rara Forest Reserve (Benta Wawasan Coupe).
The charge stated that they had dishonestly induced Agus through one Chong Siak Nyen to deliver a Power of Attorney dated June 22, 2004 that gave the purchasing of 100,000 metric cube of logs to a company allegedly owned by Parti Umno Sabah and pay RM2.5 million allegedly to Parti Umno Sabah’s political fund. The offences were allegedly committed in June 2004.
MACC deputy public prosecutor Anthony Kevin Morais and Joyce Blaisus represented the prosecution while Chia and Lo were represented by Francis Wong and James Tsai respectively.
According to some of those following the case, all of whom refused to speak on the record as they were recounting private discussions and offering criticism, one editor was allegedly so upset to be at the receiving end of a lambasting from Musa’s office for publishing the prosecutors statement on the case that the person requested they issue a clarification.


  1. 3 years already,no case no charges its mean that Musa innocent,that simple

    1. Musa mmg tak terlibat dalam hal ini.

    2. Innocent until proven guilty. Simple like that yet some people don't want to accept the fact.

  2. The similar news keep repeating every month, last month was linked to Royal couple, now is totally same old news.

    1. Musa's rivals are too desperate to bring him down by spreading lies and slanders. Too bad their tactics were not good enough.

  3. How far is it true enough for me to believe?

    1. Until the judge officially convict Musa guilty as charged. No conviction, he is innocent.

  4. The victory of 2008 12th General Elections where he won 59 seats out of the total 60 seats is a reaffirmation of the people’s faith in his leadership, statesmanship and governance which he displayed as Chief Minister from 2003.

    1. Musa Aman is not only a good leader but proactive, visionary and a leader who cares for the needs of the Sabahans. The state has progressed a lot and recently, Auditor General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang praised Musa because Sabah continues to be among states with an excellent financial management record and can be a role model to other states.

  5. he has successfully communicated his vision to 3 million people of Sabah and has been able to instill a sense of confidence in what they have and a hope for a golden tomorrow.

  6. 1) Rural Development and Poverty Eradication
    2) Quality and coverage in Education
    3) Development of Human Resources
    4) Power of energy Resources
    5) Good Forest and Environmental Governance
    6) Sustainable Development
    7) Good Governance
    8) Security and well being of people.

  7. Sabah leads in energy production. Sabah has been able to supply uninterrupted three phase round the clock electricity to most of the kampongs in the state.

  8. DRB-Hicom Bhd welcomed the review of real property gains tax announced in Budget 2013 which would help curb property speculation.

  9. Focus on cent per cent enrollment of children through campaigns and resultant drooping dropout rates have been able to reverse the trend of high illiteracy rate from Sabah

  10. The focus is putting Sabah at par with the developed regions in Human Development Index and work towards the achieving Millenium Development Goals declared by the UN.

  11. Malaysian German Chamber of Commerce's executive director Alex Stedtfeld, said: "It will be an election budget. We heard that there will be goodies distributed to the broad public."

  12. all inclusive and uniform development, comprehensive and well conceived packages like indigenous people welfare in remote areas, development of coastal dwellers, upliftment of urban poor are under implementation.

  13. The State Government has successfully maintained the “Unqualified Statement” for 12 years running since 2000.

  14. The State government will continue to widen its sources of income to further spur development in Sabah.

  15. Musa said he thanked the Auditor General for always giving advice and guidance to the State Government which enabled them to perform well in financial management.

    1. Musa practices humility by seeking advice and guidance from others in order to progress.

  16. State leadership proves it can deliver more development for the people

    1. I wish to see Musa still as our CM after this 13th GE.

  17. Sabah has been among the top states that have achieved sound financial management, with giving it a clean bill by the Auditor-General for the last 11 consecutive years.

    1. semoga prestasi kewangan Sabah akan bertambah baik dan ekonomi Sabah akan terus berkembang.

    2. Musa is the only CM who is able to manage the state's financial with excellence.

  18. The state also received the highest rating of "AAA" by RAM Rating Services for the last three years for its strong fiscal position as a result of a series of surpluses and accumulation of strong reserves.

  19. its revenue surpassing RM4 billion, actual surplus amounting to RM730 million, development expenditure at RM1.17 billion and it has no arrears on federal loans.

    1. And rumours saying Sabah is the poorest state is totally wrong!

  20. Musa expressed confidence in the ability of the state to deliver the RM4 billion budget

  21. Sabah's revised revenue for this year was about RM3.8 billion, an increase of more than RM1 billion or 39 per cent compared to the original estimate of RM2.4 billion.

  22. 80 per cent of its revenue for next year will come from crude palm oil sales tax, petroleum royalty, proceeds and interests from investments, land and forestry.

  23. pengurusan kewangan yang diiktiraf sebagai cememrlang menunjukkan kepimpinan yang cekap.

    1. semasa Musa jadi KM, simpanan Sabah hanya RM200 juta, Musa berjaya menambah simpanan negeri sehinggalah mencapai RM3bilion.

    2. malah bajet tahun 2012 mencecah lebih RM4 bilion. tertinggi dalam sejarah Sabah.

    3. Ketua Audit Negara turut memperakui pengurusan Kewangan Sabah antara yang terbaik.

    4. pelaburan swasta jg makin meningkat hingga mencapai RM10 bilion untuk suku pertama tahun 2012

    5. Kewangan negeri Sabah perlu diurus dengan cemerlang dan ia memerlukan pemimpin yang bijak. Musa Aman adalah jawapannya.

  24. Jika benarlah Musa rakus, mengapa simpanan kewangan Sabah terus bertambah? Sejak Musa dilantik sebagai Ketua Menteri Sabah pada tahun 2003, bajet pembangunan negeri dari tahun ke tahun terus bertambah, malah bajet tahun 2012 mencecah lebih RM4 bilion, berbanding Selangor yang hanya RM1.6bilion.

    1. Betul apa yang dikatakan ini. Tidak dinafikan lagi yang mana Kerajaan Sabah adalah antara Negeri yang mempunyai simpanan yang tertinggi di Malaysia.

    2. Yang terbaik sokonglah untuk kebaikkan kita bersama. Jangan mudah terpedaya dengan muslihat yang dibuat oleh pembangkang.

    3. Menuduh Musa sebagai rakus, hanya mainan politik yang cemburu, mainan politik yang kurang arif mengenai pembangunan negeri.

    4. Jika benarlah Musa rakus, mengapa kadar kemiskinan negeri Sabah terus merudum?

    5. Bila seorang pemimpin bijak seperti Musa Aman berjaya membuktikan kepada semua yang beliau mampu mentadbir Sabah dengan baik, mulalah ada yang tidak berpuas hati dengan kejayaan beliau ni. Mereka sebarkan fitnah dengan harapan orang di luar sana akan percaya. Namun usaha mereka itu sia2 saja.

  25. Menjadi persoalan juga. Jika benarlah Musa rakus dan tidak telus dalam mengatur kewangan, mengapa Ketua Audit Negara memperakui, bahawa pengurusan Kewangan Negeri antara yang terbaik dalam negara bersama Pulau Pinang. Itu perlu kita tahu. Pulau Pinang dibawah siapa, tapi bayangkan Ketua Audit mengakui dua Negeri ini mampu melakukan yang terbaik.

    1. Pujian keatas Negeri Sabah ini sememangnya satu pujian yang terbaik dengan kewangan negeri Sabah ini.

    2. Sikap diam Musa terhadap semua tuduhan ini, menggambarkan bahawa beliau tidak terpengaruh dengan semua tuduhan rekaan itu, kerana beliau tahu apa yang dilakukannya.

    3. Makanya, kita janganlah percaya khabar angin negatif tentang Musa. Percaya kepada fakta dan pujian Ketua Audit itu adalah buktinya.

  26. Pelaburan swasta boleh mencapai RM10bilion untuk suku pertama tahun 2012 dibawah Datuk Musa Aman. Ini menandakan yang mana Sabah ini sememangnya tempat yang sesuai tempat pelaburan.

    1. Betul..Sekarang ini pun kerajaan Negeri sedang membuat usaha kerjasama dengan pihak swasta untuk membantu membangunkan Negeri Sabah ini. Usaha ini memang patut disokong.

    2. Pelabur luar amat berminat untuk melabur di Sabah kerana negeri berpotensi untuk berkembang maju, lebih2 lagi dengan kestabilan politik negeri ini di bawah pimpinan Musa Aman.

  27. Kita tidak boleh juga terus mendengar kata-kata dari pihak lain. Kalau benar Musa tidak membuat kerja kenapa kadar kemiskinan negeri terus merudum? pada tahun 2003 semasa Musa dilantik sebagai Ketua Menteri, kadar kemiskinan Sabah berada di atas 24 peratus, kadar itu berjaya diturunkan dan kini kadar kemiskinan hanya 15 peratus.

    1. Kadar kemiskinan di Sabah ini memang masih ada tapi memang ada pengurangan yang baik dari masa ke semasa.

    2. Minister in the PM's Department Tan Sri Nor Mohamed says the poverty level in Sabah has dropped from 24.2% in 2004 to 19.7% in 2009.

  28. Kadar kemiskinan ini akan terus turun, apabila projek-projek membasmi kemiskinan seperti Jelapang Padi, Agropolitan, PIOC dan Sabah Development Corridor siap dan berjalan sepenuhnya.

  29. Kerajaan telah pun merancang yang terbaik untuk Sabah. Pelbagai projek besar-besaran ingin dilaksanakan. Projek mega seperti projek Baja di Siptiang, projek minyak dan gas di Kimanis serta Kota Belud, akan menyumbang peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyat Sabah.

  30. Apabila projek-projek ini berjalan sepenuhnya, kadar kemiskinan negeri akan terus merudum. Bayangkan yang mana Kerajaan tidak pernah lupa akan tanggungjawab mereka.

  31. Berfikirlah wahai insan sekalian. Sebenarnya mereka yang mengritik Musa dengan berbagai tuduhan yang direka, adalah mereka yang cemburu kepada kejayaan Ketua Menteri itu.

  32. Kebenaran boleh kita lihat dengan pembangunan Negeri Sabah ini sendiri. Sebenarnya pembangunan ekonomi negeri begitu pesat bermula tahun 2003, menunggu 18 tahun pembangunan yang dicipta Tan Sri Harris Salleh tahun 1976-1985.

  33. Dalam soal politik, Musa mendapat sokongan padu daripada para pemimpin yang mempunyai perjuangan yang sama dengan beliau, yakni membangun negeri dan rakyat.

    1. Musa hanya tidak disukai oleh mereka yang mahu kuasa- walaupun mereka itu suatu ketika telahpun diberi peluang termasuk jawatan menteri, namun, gagal membawa pembangunan di kawasannya khasnya dan umumnya di negeri ini, kerana matalamat mereka itu, hanya untuk mendapatkan projek demi kepentingan poket sendiri.

    2. Apabila jawatan yang diamanahkan ditarik balik, kerana gagal membawa pembangunan untuk rakyat dan negeri, mereka kecil hati, lalu me-reka-reka berbagai alasan, termasuk keluar daripada parti yang memberi sumbangan peribadi kepada mereka dan menyertai pihak pembangkang untuk membalas dendam.

    3. Bagi mereka yang masih bersama parti, sanggup pula menjadi gunting dalam lipatan, untuk menjatuhkan Musa. Berbagai gerak saraf mereka reka, seolah-olah Musa membolot semua projek yang dilaksanakan dalam negeri. Sebaiknya jauhkan sikap menjatuhkan orang lain demi kepentingan sendiri.

  34. CM urges all BN voting stream heads in Sabah to prepare themselves to face the general election

  35. Musa expressed gratitude to the people for showing their continuous support to the Barisan Nasional and
    an increasing support was noticeable based on his assessment of his tours around the state.

  36. CM Datuk Seri Musa Aman wants the state and federal civil servants to work as a strong team towards ensuring the smooth and successful implementation of development projects as well as polies

  37. Sabah has progressed under the dynamic leadership under CM Datuk Seri Musa Aman. He is proactive, visionary and a leader who cares for the needs of the people

  38. Penampang UMNO Chief John Ambrose says CM is the right person to continue to lead Sabah

  39. Sabah mengamalkan pengurusan hutan secara mapan, dan bertambah baik dibawah pimpinan Datuk Musa Aman.

  40. kajian environmentalist antarabangsa meletakkan Taman Kinabalu di ranking ke-6 dunia sebagai "The Biggest and Popular Rainforest in the World" bagi tahun 2011

  41. Malah kerajaan negeri Sabah bersungguh-sungguh mempertaruhkan tiga lagi kawasan hutan (iaitu Lembah Danum, Maliau Basin dan Imbak Canyon) untuk memperolehi pengiktirafan sebagai Tapak Warisan Dunia sama seperti Taman Kinabalu.

  42. ini cukup untuk membuktikan bahawa era pentadbiran Datuk Musa Aman banyak memfokuskan kepada usaha-usaha konservasi hutan.

  43. Adakah benar apa yang mereka katakan tentang MA?

  44. Hakikatnya sama, Sabah akan terus berkembang di bawah pimpinan MA.

  45. hingga kini, telah ada kenaikan pekerjaan di Sabah semasa pentadbiran beliau

  46. Malah MA telah sedikit-sebanyak membantu dalam mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan di Sabah..

  47. ..jika dibandingkan dengan situasi semasa di Sabah dengan masa lalu, telah banyak perubahan dilakukan oleh MA..

    1. The state government assures that it will help 32,000 job-seekers in Sabah through the 1Malaysia Training Scheme (SL1M).

  48. KM tidak boleh digugurkan hanya kerana ini.

  49. jika KM tidak bersalah tentu nama beliau tidak akan terjejas dalam apa jua cara pun

  50. tentunya semua ini berlaku atas nama kuasa politik dan pemilikan...

  51. Ini jelas sekali parti pembangkang cuba untuk mensabotaj reputasi Musa..

  52. Saya rasa rakyat sudah tahu siapa mereka akan pilih bila tiba PRU13 nanti

  53. pastinya pembangkang sudah berasa bimbang kerana Musa berkemungkinan akan menang di PRU13.

  54. walaupun apa sahaja yang mereka katakan Musa Aman masih di landasan yang betul

    1. Musa sendiri cakap yang beliau sedia beri kerjasama untuk kes ini.

  55. semua ini atas nama tuduhan kerana dengki sahaja

  56. harap ada penyiasatan yang betul mengenai perkara ini

  57. surely, the law will prevail afterwards...

  58. apa yang penting, MA masih menjadi pilihan rakyat

  59. dan beliau telah membantu dalam mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan di Sabah

  60. Hakikatnya, Sabah akan terus membangun

  61. dan semoga akan terus menjadi terkenal di mata dunia jika MA diberi peluang untuk memimpin Sabah

  62. berharap rakyat undi dengan bijak bila tiba musim mengundi nanti...

  63. In a seperate matter that relate to the enviromental issues in Sabah, The State Government wants people in coastal areas to keep the shores clean so that turtles will always have a place to lay their eggs. Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Datuk Masidi Manjun said it was still obvious that residents along the coast have not stopped throwing rubbish into the sea, particularly plastic bags, which are often seen strewn all over the beach.He said the rubbish on the beach have been one main reason why turtles are reluctant to come ashore to lay their eggs because the sea creatures prefer a clean surrounding.

    1. Masidi also lamented that there were less turtles found off Kudat waters, once renowned for the abundance of turtles, due to the sale and consumption of their eggs.He urged communities to work together to overcome the problem and discouraged them from taking the eggs and especially to stop eating their eggs and meat.He stressed that protecting the environment and wildlife was a collective responsibility that everybody needed to shoulder.Masidi said this in his speech at the launch of the Beach Cleanliness Campaign in conjunction with International Coastal Cleanup Day. Assistant Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Datuk Bolkiah Haji Ismail delivered the text.The event was organised by the Environmental Action Committee (EAC) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) at Simpang Mengayau in Kudat.

    2. Bolkiah, who is the assemblyman for Pitas, was pleased to note that the organisers managed to gather people from all walks of life to care for the area in Simpang Mengayau.He said it was important to keep all areas clean and not just the beaches.Also present at the event were Tanjung Kapor assemblyman, Datuk Teo Chee Kang, Kudat district officer, Sebastian Lim, chairperson of the Kudat Turtle Conservation Society (KTCS), Francesca Winfield, SabahEAC members, World Wildlife Fund representatives and heads of government departments as well as local communities.

  64. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak acall all leaders at all levels of society must exhibit the right values for their constituents to follow in order to prevent corruption. Najib said that social norms and values play a critical role in dealing with the corruption problem and have to be cultivated. “It is critical, therefore, for people in positions of power and authority to exemplify the values they wish their constituents to follow,” said Najib at the opening of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities Conference here. This makes the behaviour of those in positions of leadership, be it in politics, government, business, civil society, education and the home especially important in instiling the right values and basics of ethical conduct.

    1. Najib said that countries needed to instill a “natural abhorrence” to corruption into the conscience of society. The prime minister also said that corruption did not only involve the government but also the private sector and called the “unbridled” and “ruthless” pursuit of “extraordinary” profits a form of corruption. We rightly demand greater scrupulousness from those in public office yet we live in a world where the public culture endorses the pursuit of greed and unmitigated material success, at least until someone is caught breaking the law.

  65. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak assured that Malaysia would maintain persistence in the fight against corruption. Such a commitment, he said, was evident when the country had signed an agreement in 2010 for the establishment the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) as an international organisation in Vienna, Austria.Malaysia had even gone one step further today, when Najib announced that the government had agreed to contribute RM1 million to IACA for its future endeavour.

    1. This reflects our nation's continuous commitment towards eradicating corruption not only here in Malaysia, but also internationally. It is critical for the Malaysian government to continue to invenst, along with other like minded nations, into developing the intellectual and knowledge based resources which are integral to the fight against corruption. The prime minister also lauded the launching of the world's first international Master Programme in Anti Corruption Study, which was recently launched by IACA.

    2. Malaysia through its Malaysia Anti-Corruption Academy is one of the strong supporters of this programme, to the extent of conducting one of the seven modules here in Kuala Lumpur. Najib also said if one viewed corruption as truly unethical and immoral behaviours, one could not stop at just looking at the public officials and politicians who abuse their powers. I belive that we must go much further than that. We must be able to take an unrelentingly honest look at the values prevalent in our societies. For example, we rightly demand greater scrupulousness from those in public office; yet, we live in a world where the public culture endorses the pursuits of greed and unmitigated material success, at least until someone is caught breaking the law. In other words, we forgive greed, until that greed spirals out of control and the effects reach beyond the handful of individuals perpetuating it.

  66. It is just a small challenge for CM. everything will be fine later.


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