Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Go to ballots based on audit report, not 'opium budget'

Go to ballots based on audit report, not 'opium budget'
Malaysians should go the next polls based on the Auditor General’s Report and not the Budget tabled by prime minister Najib Razak last Friday, said PAS information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man.
Tuan Ibrahim, describing the 2013 Budget as an 'opium budget', said the list of one-off payments announced by Najib was no solution in addressing rising living costs.
“The people should think seriously based on the Auditor General's report, not based on the poison opium planted in the BN’s budget which is tailored to win election," he said.
According to Tuan Ibrahim, the Budget only revealed "a leader devoid of ideas to advance the people’s economy, to increase revenue and to find ways to making national economy more competitive", and said it was just to "buy a guarantee" that Najib's "corrupt" government would survive in the next election.
The strength of the national economy, said Tuan Ibrahim, is not on the account of cash disbursements but how well it is being managed.
“The release of the Auditor General’s Report is deliberately delayed causing budget analyses to focus only on what was announced without taking into account leakages, abuses of power and BN’s economic management,” he pointed out.
Tuan Ibrahim expressed his confidence that the annnual audit report would serve as antidote to those he said were "stoned by Najib’s opium" in the budget.
“That is because the past two Auditor General's reports had shown how the government failed to make improvements despite being criticised annually by the Auditor General,” he stressed, and recalled inaction over complaints of exorbitant purchases by government agencies as well as the National Feedlot Corporation mismanagement as revealed by the Auditor General last year.

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