Wednesday, October 17, 2012


KOTA KINABALU: Former Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Salleh congratulated Sabah leaders particularly Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman and Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Tan Sri Bernard Dompok for their determination to get development projects for the benefit of Sabahans.

He said it is agreed that a Native Court should be built not only at Penampang but in every district in Sabah.
However, these court houses should copy the Melaka Court House where it accommodates all types of courts - the Civil and Criminal Court, Syariah Court and Penghulu Court or Native Court.

"In the case of the Sabah Court House, I suggest the ground floor be allocated for the library and canteen, whereas the first floor for Native Court, second floor for Syariah Court and the third and fourth floors for the Civil and Criminal Courts. This will put all things 'ramai-ramai' at once place," he said in a statement here Monday.

Harris also said getting the approval from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak to build a coastal road from Tuaran to Kudat was quite an achievement.

"Again, however, from good economic point of view, it is better to use the billions to upgrade the existing road and make a dual carriageway between Tuaran and Kudat rather than spending on the construction of new coastal road.

"Remember, the present road is only a few kilometers from the coast or beach.

Therefore with the upgrading to dual carriageway plus improvements on the road, it will be more comfortable for the road users and this will further encourage more visitors or tourists to come, thus boost economic activities in the areas," he said.

Najib had officiated at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Native Court Training Institute in Penampang on Saturday while on Sunday, he had agreed in principle to the construction of a coastal road from Tuaran to Kudat.

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