Sunday, October 14, 2012



Osman Jamal, Director of Land and Survey Dept, said today that the number of native land applications being processed in Sabah increased almost by two-fold to 32,000 between January and August this year from only 17,000 through last year.

Would Osman please tell us who are the 50,000 Natives applicants in the past 20 months? If one applicant has six mouths to feed, this means 300,000 Anak Negeri.
I have reasons to believe that many of these new applications are from new Anak Negeri, the Project Mahathir citizens – about 800,000 of them today.

Osman himself had stated that claims of customary land beyond the 1930 Land Ordinance would not be included under the NCR but opened and treated as new land applications. This opened the floodgate for land applications. And you can guess who the new applicants would be.

It is a known fact through Court Hearings that lands under NCR had been alienated to private companies, leaving the indigenous people homeless and deprived of daily livelihood. And now these indigenous people are forced to share available land with these new Anak Negeri. In no time the locals would be refugees in our own land.

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