Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why change will never come

Okay, let us say that DAP does plan to turn Malaysia into a Christian State. So what? What is wrong with that? PAS wants to turn Malaysia into an Islamic State. Do we make a police report against PAS and demand that they apologise? Has PAS committed a crime by aspiring for Malaysia to become an Islamic State? So why is it wrong for DAP to aspire for Malaysia to become a Christian State?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Many Malaysians feel that Malaysia is a not a free country. These people may be right.
Many Malaysians feel that Barisan Nasional needs to be kicked out so that Malaysia can become a free country. These people may be wrong.
To demonstrate why I say this let us look at the Nasharuddin Mat Isa controversy.
DAP is going to make a police report against Nasharuddin for saying that DAP wants to turn Malaysia into a Christian state. DAP is very upset about this. They also demand that Nasharuddin apologise for this allegation against DAP.
Now, first of all, what is wrong with saying DAP wants to turn Malaysia into a Christian State? What if I say that Umno wants to turn Malaysia into a Malay State? Or PAS wants to turn Malaysia into an Islamic State? Or MCA wants to turn Malaysia into a Capitalist State? Or PSM wants to turn Malaysia into a Socialist State?
Is this not my right to say what I think? I may be wrong in thinking that way. I may have jumped to the wrong conclusion based on what I perceive. My perception may be wrong. Nevertheless, right or wrong, I have my reasons for thinking so and hence I have a right to say what I think.
I studied Islam. I also studied Christianity. My opinion after studying both religions is that Islam is right and Christianity is wrong. And I tell you what my opinion is. Do you make a police report against me for saying what I said and demand that I apologise?
I studied Islam. I also studied Christianity. My opinion after studying both religions is that Islam is ‘borrowed’ from Judeo-Christianity. Hence I believe that Islam is a deviation of Judaism and Christianity. And I tell you what my opinion is. Do you make a police report against me for saying what I said and demand that I apologise?
I have my opinions. And I have my reasons as to why I have such opinions. And I tell you what my opinions are. This is called freedom of thought and freedom of expression. And this is what freedom is all about.
But do we allow such freedoms in Malaysia? And is this denial of such freedoms a crime that only Barisan Nasional is guilty of or is Pakatan Rakyat equally guilty?
Hence is Malaysia really a free country? And will kicking out Barisan Nasional give us that freedom that we seek?
The solution will not come by changing the government. This has nothing to do with the government. The problem lies with us. We do not understand the meaning of freedom. And we demonstrate very clearly this lack of understanding. It is we, and not the political parties, that are at fault.
Okay, let us say that DAP does plan to turn Malaysia into a Christian State. So what? What is wrong with that? PAS wants to turn Malaysia into an Islamic State. Do we make a police report against PAS and demand that they apologise? Has PAS committed a crime by aspiring for Malaysia to become an Islamic State? So why is it wrong for DAP to aspire for Malaysia to become a Christian State?
What makes it okay for PAS to want Malaysia to be turned into an Islamic State but not okay for DAP to want Malaysia to be turned into a Christian State? If we can respect PAS’s wishes to see Malaysia become an Islamic State why can’t we also respect DAP’s wishes to see Malaysia become a Christian State?
I do not see why DAP should make a police report against Nasharuddin for alleging that DAP wants to turn Malaysia into a Christian State or demand that he apologise. Doing this means DAP is admitting that such a thing is wrong (wanting to turn Malaysia into a Christian State). DAP is agreeing with Nasharuddin that the aspiration of wanting to turn Malaysia into a Christian State is wrong. Why would DAP want to admit that?
DAP should uphold the ideals of freedom of thought and freedom of expression. DAP should be free to aspire for anything it wants to aspire for. And Nasharuddin should be free to express anything he wishes to express. That is what freedom of thought and freedom of expression is all about.
DAP is admitting that freedom of thought cannot be allowed. You cannot aspire to see Malaysia turned into a Christian State. That is something wrong. You must not think those things. And anyone who thinks those things is doing something wrong. And anyone who accuses DAP of thinking like that needs to be whacked.
If you think that Malaysia should be Secular State that is okay. If you think that Malaysia should be an Islamic State that is okay as well. And it is also okay if you think that Malaysia should be a Christian State, Communist State, Republic, Absolute Monarchy, Sultanate or whatever. You can aspire for what you think is right. You can also express what you aspire. That is what you aspire. You may be right or you may be wrong. But you have a right to be wrong if you wish to be wrong.
Unfortunately, both sides of the political divide do not understand this yet. And that is why PAS thinks it is wrong for DAP to aspire for Malaysia to become a Christian State. And that is why DAP thinks it is wrong for PAS to say that DAP aspires for Malaysia to become a Christian State.
You can even aspire for Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Republicanism, Theologian, Federalism, self-determination, anarchism, or whatever it is that turns you on. I might not agree with you. I might even oppose you. But it is your right to believe whatever you wish to believe and it is my right to disagree with you.
And PAS and DAP must understand this as well before we talk about changing the current/bad government for a new/better one. Currently, both PAS and DAP are yet to grasp the concept of freedom of thought and freedom of expression. And this is what the Nasharuddin Mat Isa controversy has revealed.
The most unfortunate thing about this entire episode is that we think the fault lies with the politicians or political parties whereas it is we who are at fault. We refuse to allow others to hold views and express their views that run opposite to ours.
That is not called freedom of thought and freedom or expression. So how can changing the government help? It is we who need to change.

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