Thursday, November 29, 2012

But Churchill fought against racist Nazis

YOURSAY 'KJ, to fight, we have to have a cause. Churchill had it but Umno has nothing apart from its self-serving stealing of the rakyat's money.'

Khairy: Fight like Churchill, never surrender! 

your sayVersey: After reading the first few paragraphs of this news report, I just couldn't get myself to continue reading the remaining 'junk'. What rubbish was this Oxford graduate talking about?

How come every accusation Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin made against PKR is like he was talking about BN.

Please take a close look at thyself in the mirror.

YF: Then British premier Winston Churchill fought against racist Nazis. So what KJ is telling all Umno youths - fight Umno the racists and bullies of Malaysia. Either you're confused or you have gone rogue.

Mangodurian: As others has commented - what is this bogeyman that Umno seems always to be fighting? They are the top dog, and yet they are always paranoid over a ‘monster', especially from the so-called 'nons'.

Churchill had a clear Nazi threat to fight. What is Umno fighting for? Their cosy 'who you know, not what you know' life?

Faz: KJ, to fight, we have to have a cause. Churchill had it but Umno has nothing apart from its self-serving stealing of the rakyat's money.

Your speech is no better than the stories from Utusan Malaysia orBerita Harian, with oft-repeated phrases that I do not care to repeat.

Having a degree from a renowned university does not bestow you the wisdom to be a good human being, if that is all that you can produce to prop up a failing regime.

Anonymous #65253729: Never surrender because there's a lot more to be robbed by Umnoputras?

Sickening: If Pakatan has shortcomings, Umno has ‘long, long' comings. And the list keeps growing.

Like a former Umno minister asked, which Umno minister has no problems? You guys are fighting for yourselves. Period. Now you are fighting for your survival.

MissPandora: We are preparing for elections - to elect the leaders whom we believe will lead this nation on the right path, free of corruption and bigotry. We are not preparing for a war to fight our fellow Malaysians.

What is wrong with you, Khairy? Are you instigating unrest? If you are, you should be arrested - just like Shahrizat Abdul Jalil threatening a repeat of May 13. Why is it Umno can get away with remarks that threatens national security?

Anonymous_40c3: The theme 'Battle between two futures' is most apt as there is a diverging path for the nation to choose.

One leads a country nowhere but into continued darkness, and the other promises hope with the dawn of new light. The choice is obvious.

Stop Lynas now: KJ, when the Imperial Japanese Army conquered Malaya, the British did not seriously fight them but retreated to Singapore and eventually surrendered.

Can't you find a better example, such as this gem from Mahatma Gandhi: "I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people."

To win an election, be nice to all, not just your cronies.

Anonymous #41809171: If you want to inspire Umno members on not to give up the fight, don't pick Churchill - he represents imperialism and the British abandoned us when the Japanese attacked.

Choose Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim instead: despite being beaten up by the police, humiliated in the courts and imprisoned for so many years, he has bounced back and now stands within inches of wresting power from your Dear Leader Najib.

Sabahan: Someone kindly tell Khairy that there is no war and no enemies trying to conquer Malaysia.

We are surrounded by Singapore (which we envy), Thailand (which has too many of their problems of their own) and Indonesia (which is now getting better than Malaysia in almost everything).

There are, however, millions of Malaysians who have been cheated and robbed by Umno.

Dom The Nick: Mr Khairy, sir, your own Umno has abandoned you. As far as Umno is concerned you are a has-been. Start packing your bag, sir.

Saminathan Munisamy: Politicians are often rejected by voters because they have failed in office.

One of the reasons why Churchill lost the general election in 1945 was because he had succeeded in completing the almost superhuman task he had taken on in 1940, and in a way this made him redundant.

Anonymous #32993250: When you are corrupted to the core without any redemption, how to fight like Churchill. Many of the people who are your audience may not know who Churchill was and hence you should have used former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad as an example.

Your speech was rubbish to the core as you were only spitting venom and there were no new ideas on how Umno is going to go forward with a new breed of citizens who are more intelligent, well-read and exposed to the Internet and news from alternative sources.

Relevancy: BN the Empire and Pakatan the Rebels aka Star Wars. That's my view. We are currently ruled by the Sith Lords. - Malaysiakini

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