Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Is ex-IGP Musa going Pakatan’s way?

The former police chief holds a press conference with two NGO leaders, who are closely linked to the opposition.
PETLING JAYA: As the general election draws closer, strange things are beginning to unfold.
This afternoon, former inspector general of police Musa Hassan held a press conference here flanked by NGO leaders closely linked to the opposition.
This has fuelled speculations that the ex-top cop would be joining the Pakatan Rakyat coalition soon.
The press briefing was organised by a new NGO called the Malaysian Crime Watch Task or MyWatch, which is chaired by R Sri Sanjeevan. Also present was POWER NGO chief S Gobi Krishnan, who acts as adviser of MyWatch.
Gobi Krishnan is also PKR’s national strategy and political bureau secretary. Sri Sanjeevan has been known to be a harsh critic of the police and a KITA leader in Negeri Sembilan.
The focus of the press conference was on the tackling of crime and Musa was announced as a patron of MyWatch today.


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