Thursday, November 1, 2012

Kong defends outsourcing of AES

Transport Minister Kong Cho Ha today defended the government’s decision to outsource the Automated Enforcement System (AES) to two private companies, saying it was due to several factors.

He justified the decision not to let the Road Transport Department carry out the enforcement instead of privatising it because the government had considered the costs and human resources involved, as well as the management expertise of ATES Sdn Bhd and Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd.

“There are other countries who also outsource (a similar system to private companies), (it is) not subcontracted.

NONE“This is partly because of the costs involved, and also the amount of manpower, and I think it’s also the expertise of the (companies’) management,” said Kong (right) in a press conference after launching the World Maritime Day 2012 event at the Maritime Transport Training Institute in Port Klang today.

Despite the AES having received heavy criticism from both the ruling parties and the opposition, as well as the people, Kong said that he could not decide on his own whether the cabinet should review it.

“I cannot make any unilateral decision on that,” he added.

[More to follow]

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