Saturday, December 1, 2012

Nik Aziz, 'KO Umno' debut at Umno assembly

Chants of "KO Umno!" rang out at the last day of the 66th Umno general assembly today, followed by the debut of PAS spiritual leader Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

The seemingly out of place series of events was not a case of Umno delegates losing their marbles, but two videos that were played at the meet to drive the party’s point against PAS’ controversial prayer for Umno's downfall.

NONEThe first video featured Nik Abdul Aziz's brother, Nik Razi (left), who last month led thousands at the Kota Baru Stadium in prayer for the destruction of Umno, with repeated shouts of "KO (knock out) Umno!".

The presentation today was part of Arau Umno representative Fathul Bari Mat Jahya’s speech who chastised PAS for attempting to tarnish Umno's reputation.

"We may have our weaknesses that needs to be rectified as no one is free from weaknesses, but have they (PAS) never done any mistakes? What are they? Aliens?"

"Are those praying (for our destruction) messengers of God? prophets?" he queried, to a resounding "no!" response from the floor.

He then pointed at the big screen featured the second video of  Nik Abdul Aziz, who had insinuated being part of Umno amounted to apostasy, courting boos from fellow delegates.

Later, Fathul Bari, the son of former Perlis Mufti Mat Jahya Hussin, did a duet with delegates, chanting "satu" (one) while delegates responded "Malaysia" and then "tolak" (reject) with delegates responding "fitnah" (slander).

NONEEarlier, Rantau Panjang Umno representative Mohd Affandi Yusoff also flayed PAS for the controversial prayer.

"We are not afraid of PAS, whatever they pray, we are not afraid... we are not like them. We pray for enlightenment and true prayers," he said.

The duo were debating on a motion concerning religion and education.

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