Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Anwar vows to safeguard nation's assets and economy

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, has pledged a better management of the country’s assets and economy and no leaders will be allowed to enrich themselves if Pakatan Rakyat comes to power.

In his five-minute New Year video message, Anwar said this was the promise or pledge that he is making, although it may not seem big.

“My small promise to you is that the nation’s assets will be managed properly as no robbery will be allowed. A minister, or the prime minister or ruling elite, would not be allowed to enrich themselves in taking the country’s assets and not be held accountable,” he said.

“That is our pledge to the people in 2013 and we hope that this is attainable when the country is geared for elections early this year,” he said.

Citing the negative reports on corruption and outflow of illicit funds from the country which involves billions of ringgit as highlighted in the Wall Street Journal and the Global Financial Integrity Report, he said this requires immediate attention.

These reports, he said are shocking but do not leave an impression on the ruling elite in Umno and BN.

“We must ensure that the leaders stop robbing the country’s assets and that the ruling elite would not enrich themselves, their family members or their cronies from the country’s finances and that the management of the economy would be better,” he said.

“If the economy is better managed, I am confident there will be equitable distribution of income and there would not be unhappiness among the races of being sidelined in not getting a portion of the economic pie,” he said.

The Global Financil Report lists Malaysia as the second biggest country after China to have money transferred out in the region of close to RM200 billion.

Transparency International also lists Malaysia as among the highest in an international survey, where company competitors responded that they lose out on business due to bribery. 

Free education for all

Anwar who is also Permatang Pauh MP, also pledged to provide free education for all from primary school to the tertiary level by properly managing the economy.

For those who cannot or are unable to go to the university, Anwar pledged there would be various opportunities given to them to enrich their skills.

“There are those who question that the pledge is made because the election is looming. I do not hold that view as we have the capability and the economic strength through the gas reserves, palm oil, and revenue from income tax. 

“The problem is the management of the economy, and I focus on education as this are pressing issue in the early part of they year. We will also focus on issues like housing, health, and ensuring price stability,” he said.

He said by focusing on education regardless of their ethnicity, religion or social standing, the nation can help build on their human capital to thrust the nation forward.

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