Tuesday, January 1, 2013

EVIL TO THE CORE: When even medicine & vitamins are dispensed according to RACE!

EVIL TO THE CORE: When even medicine & vitamins are dispensed according to RACE!
MR 1MALYSIA Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak! Malaysians have had enough of your bullshit rhetoric.
Your 1Malaysia slogan has on numerous occasions shown to be just empty meaningless excretions from your cesspool-like mouth.
We have had enough of your slogans. It is time for you to act to show that you mean business. However, your imbecile behaviour as a prime minister for all is all but a farce.
Even in the dispensing of medicine and vitamins to those aged 50 to 55 is based on race, as found in this Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) notice.
Mr PM! What are you trying to tell the world? That Malaysia is a pariah country only fit for Malays?

How racist can you get?
If that is not your message as a 1Malaysia premier, then heads must roll for that very disgraceful HUKM notice.
There is no valid reason to treat the matter lightly nor was it just a mistake or misunderstanding.
Mr Najib! The content of the message is crystal clear! An act of racism and an act of anti-Malaysian, just like your deputy Muhyiddin “I Am Malay First …” Yassin who shamelessly shits on your 1Malaysia concept.
When your deputy can pooh! pooh! 1Malaysia without a blink of an eyelid, what can you expect from the Little Napoleans in your administration.
Why is it that you are the first prime minister of Malaysia who cannot even defend his simple and clear policy of no race discrimination?
Are non-Malays in Malaysia not taxpayers? Can I stop paying taxes since I am not entitled to the same medical benefits as Malay citizens?
Can you also blame non-Malays if they unite and stop paying taxes? What will become of this country then?
If non-Malays start a run in the local banks, withdrawing all their savings and put it in a foreign bank, can you also fault them?
Honestly, Mr PM! I am sure Malaysia is still a democratic nation and, therefore, how can you really fault Malaysians for choosing the financial services of their choice?
So Mr PM! For the country’s sake, you and your administration led by racist Little Napoleans are advised to start taking a reign on racism, discrimination and extremism in this era – the 21st Century digital world.

World is watching - don't try to be 'funny'!
Malaysians are not the only one watching your every action to divide Malaysians via unnecessary racist terms and conditions aimed at disuniting the rakyat (people).
The whole world is watching via a borderless Information Communications Technology environment in which nothing can be hidden anymore, like in the 19th and 20th centuries.
The more you allow racists and racism to reign on the country, the more you will frighten away both domestic and foreign investors.
The consequences and misery of a failed economy will befall all Malaysians, including Umno Malays and their supporters or lapdogs.
So Malaysians who want a united, progressive and prosperous future for Malaysia, come the next 13th General Election, make the right choice or don’t blame anyone but yourself when the rough times start crumbling down on you.

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