Wednesday, January 23, 2013

'BN book given with RM100 aid not to discredit Pakatan'

A Gerakan leader has denied an allegation that copies of a book he distributed during an event to disburse the RM100 school aid were intended to discredit Pakatan Rakyat for politicising the death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock.
Gerakan Youth secretary-general Dominic Lau told Malaysiakini that the issue had been distorted by Pakatan supporters so as to paint him in bad light.

NONEA Facebook page managed by Pakatan supporters uploaded a photograph showing a Chinese-language article titled 'Pakatan, stop politicising the case of Teoh Beng Hock!'.
This was published in the book.

The Facebook posting claimed that the book was given to a parent when he collected the RM100 aid at a school.

The owner of the webpage condemned BN and Lau for using the death of Teoh to attack Pakatan, and called on parents to vote for Pakatan despite receiving aid from the BN federal government.

NONEContacted today, Lau admitted that he distributed copies of his book during the ceremony. This contains a collection of articles that had been published earlier. The book was published by Gerakan last May.

He explained that the article singled out by the netizens was just one of the many on various issues.

He wrote it to express disagreement with the actions of Teoh's family and supporters in garnering support from MPs to seek justice for Teoh during the Galas by-election in 2010.

"I do not stop them. They can continue (to raise the case of Teoh), but please do not politicise it. Do not politicise it during general elections or by-elections," Lau said.

NONEMany articles in the book (left) are very critical of the BN government as well, he stressed.

"Some, after reading it, may think the book is written by the opposition."

Apart from the book, Lau said, he also distributed other materials, including calendars, ang pow packets and books on China's history and geography to the parents.

Lau is tipped to be fielded as BN candidate for the Batu parliamentary seat, which PKR vice-president Tian Chua captured in the 2008 general election.

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