Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Early polls excitement turns into an anticlimax

Early polls excitement turns into an anticlimax
THE year 2012 might go down in political annals as the Year of the Anticlimax.
There was supposed to be a general election in it somewhere. Certainly most people believed it last year including, one suspects, Prime Minister Najib Razak himself. But the premier's ever-present sense of caution and the words of some of his advisers - including former leader Mahathir Mohamad, who has openly counselled a delay - appear to have boxed Mr Najib in and forced him to go the full term.
Going by the constitution, Malaysia must call an election by May this year.
The result has been a country polarised by politics; of policy decisions put off because of fear of political repercussions, and of political parties - on both sides of the electoral divide - waiting on tenterhooks, in a feverish state of readiness, for the word go. Only Mr Najib knows when that time will be but he doesn't have many options left.

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