Thursday, January 24, 2013

If tossing pig heads into suraus won’t do it, then distribute Bibles to Muslims?

August, 2009, they tried to agitate the Hindu community into reacting to a cow head protest in Shah Alam.
Our  Hindu brothers and sisters did not fall for it.
January, 2010, arson attacks on churches.
Christians also not reacting like with like.
So they decided to ‘do the dirty’ for the Christians.
UMNO / PERKASA or their paid underlings desecrated suraus.
January, 2012, 5 pig heads outside the front entrance of the Masjid Al Falah in Taman Desa Jaya, Johor Bahru. FMT has the report HERE.
And now, at the height of the “Allah” controversy, Chinese Christians distributing Bibles to Muslim students?
In Penang, at that?
“…at about 1.30pm on Jan 17, the individual who lodged the report said while he was in his office and a Malay man had informed him that bibles were being distributed outside SMK Jelutong, Lorong Sekolah.
“The complainant then went to the scene and discovered that it was true. From the information received, three Chinese men and a woman who came in a car were found distributing the bibles randomly to students after the morning school session had ended,” he added.
The complainant, who was given a Bible by one of the students, then lodged a police report at the Jelutong police station” - Penang police chief Abdul Rahim Hanafi in a statement issued two nights ago, and reported by Malaysiakini.
Firstly, I cannot imagine anyone stupid enough to, at the present time, go out in broad daylight to do this, when this controversy is still raging.
And even if you had to  do it in broad daylight, surely you’d be careful enough to not be spotted.
I mean, if we were able to ABU the ferry terminal in Labuan in broad daylight without being spotted, surely anyone wanting to carry this distribution exercise would take enough caution too?
Whether you and I and everyone else reading this and in cyberspace believes this, or sees it as an UMNO / PERKASA effort to agitate the Malays, is unimportant.
First, please see that in the Malaysiakini report, the Penang CPO said that  “Investigation papers have been referred to the state deputy prosecutor yesterday and further instructions have been received for the police to complete the probe”.
Presumably, the probe had not as yet been completed then.
And no one has as yet been charged, nor is there anything in the police statement to suggest that the alleged perpetrators have been identified.
Now do you see the mischief in the statement issued by the police?
Why, at this stage of the investigation, mention the ethnicity of the alleged distributors?
Three Chinese men and a woman.
Distributing Bibles to Muslim students.
In Penang.
I’m pretty sure that, in the end, no one will be charged.
This incident, even if it did factually take place, in my honest belief, has, like so many others in the past, been contrived by UMNO and / or PERKASA, not to impact you and I, but those who do not have access to the alternative news.
Courtesy of the police statement issued, Utusan, Berita Harian, RTM and TV3 now have enough fodder to run the story that 4 Chinese Christians were distributing Bibles to Muslim students in Penang.
And guess what?
Unless someone bothers to take the truth as we all know it to the Malay heartlands, many pakcik, makcik and adik-adik out there are going to fall for this.
You really want to see the end of UMNO / BN in Putrajaya post the 13th GE?
- The People's Parliament

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