Thursday, January 24, 2013


KOTA KINABALU : Pakatan NGO Pro BN has again called Beaufort MP Datuk Lajim Hj Ukin to clarify how he came to have RM50,000 to purchase a Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim love-letter at a recent auction.

Its President, Zulkarnain Mahdar made the call just days after lodging a report with the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) over the purchase.
He said, on Wednesday, as a public figure, Lajim should be able to make public the matter, especially, if the purchase was made using taxpayers' money.

"If Lajim were a businessman, then the subject of how he wants to spend his money is entirely his own discretion," he said.

The letter was purchased by Lajim during a fund-raising auction at the Pakatan Rakyat's Premier Dinner held in Shah Alam in Sept 29 last year, which contained opposition leader, Anwar's message to his wife, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah, while he was in prison.

Zulkarnain said he had also issued a letter to Anwar, who is also the Keadilan Party adviser, demanding him to return the money, which he said would be put to good use, if it is spent on the people in Beaufort.

He said the money would be well spent if it were given to the needy.

He said the purchase should have not been made by any elected representative, although the "love letter" has its sentimental value.

Zulkarnain also said that he would also launch a similar action against any Barisan Nasional leader if found to have misappropriated any fund. (DE)

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