Wednesday, January 23, 2013

'Military equipment, facilities not up to standard'

Although the government allocates the second highest budget for defence, a former senior army officer says that the equipment and facilities lying in the armed forces camps in the country are not up to the standard for the funds allocated.

Former army deputy chief Lt-Gen (Rtd) Abdul Ghafir Abdul Hamid said today the military camps were like "Third World facilities" that have not been maintained and "when the men are asked to serve overseas, they are mocked by the international forces".

Abdul Ghafir, who led Malaysian peacekeepers in Namibia, said that they took an ambulance van along and it "always broke down".

They had to used another vehicle as ambulance; while the Malaysian soldiers had to use their own towels as blankets at night, for they were not provided with blankets. Subsequently, the British forces supplied theirs to the Malaysians.

"If we look at the budget, the defence is allocated RM5 billion to RM7 billion annually. However, are our assets and facilities worth that much? If you do not believe, you can look at the book, Jane's Defence," Abdul Ghafir said.

"I have studied this matter and noted the ills in the military . The Defence Ministry conducts direct negotiations to purchase capital equipment (military hardware) and this is open to hidden costs, corruption and abuse of funds in military hardware purchase," he said.

"We are not wise in our purchases. The ministry does not consult much with us on our technical evaluation. The decision lies with the person holding the tender bid and this has resulted in some unwise purchases." 

Furthermore, Abdul Ghafir said, there was not much transfer of technology, as practised by other countries, and this has resulted in Malaysia losing out.

[More to follow]

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