Friday, January 25, 2013

PM Najib blundered in bid to win Muslim votes, says Anwar

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had blundered on the international stage in his haste to win over the Muslim community with a hurriedly put together visit to Gaza, says opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

NONEAnwar (right) described the premier as unwise for hisvisit to Gazathat did not follow protocol normally undertaken by other head of states.

“There is no problem visiting both the West Bank or Gaza... but I thought that he was unwise as he should have called on both sides first.

“This was what the president of Egypt and prime minister or Turkey had done,” he said.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had criticised Najib and accused him of attempting to divide Palestinian politics following the widely hyped visit in the Malaysian media.

[More to follow]

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