Saturday, January 26, 2013

The foreign invasion

Is the government taking in large number of foreign workers to fulfill a specific purpose? Otherwise why the increasing influx?
Now it has been revealed that under the tenure of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, citizenship has been given out to foreigners who landed on Sabahan shores.
This is a matter of grave concern but the current news is that many foreigners who invaded the Peninsular after the 2008 general election have been given fast-tracked citizenship.
In fact one of the greatest invasion has and is currently taking place in Kuala Lumpur is the invasion by Bangladeshis who have now overwhelmed the city in these locations:
1. Jalan Hang Lekir
2. Jalan Hang Lekiu
3. Jalan Hang Kasturi
4. Lebuh Pudu, areas surrounding Pudu Sentral and Menara Maybank
5. Chinatown, Jalan Petaling and Jalan Sultan
6. Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Jalan Tun HS Lee and Jalan Tun Tan Siew Sin
7. Jalan Yap Ah Loy
8. Jalan Tun Perak and Lebuh Ampang
9. Areas surrounding Central Market (Pasar Seni) and Kota Raya
Daily these Bangladeshis can be seen in these areas, milling around in groups of six to eight, carrying their large bags, many of them just arrived. On the weekends, it is much worse. Thousands of them are on the streets, crowding into the remittance houses and the business premises owned by their fellow countrymen.
Is there a specific purpose?
The situation already resembles Dhaka during the weekdays and on weekends you will be forgiven for thinking you are in Bangladesh if you happen to walk on the streets mentioned above.
Other areas in KL where there are lots of foreigners are:
1. Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Chow Kit and the Lorong Haji Taib areas populated by Indonesians;
2. Selayang Wholesale Market populated by Myanmarese; and
3. Sentul populated by Bangladeshis and Indians from India.
Recently this situation has gotten worse as the federal government has lifted the ban on the import of Bangladeshi workers although ban or no ban, the situation has always been worse, no difference at all.
Is the government taking in foreign workers to fulfill a specific purpose? Otherwise why the increasing influx?
It must be stated that foreign workers are here only for working purposes. Can those who gave instructions for them to be given fast-tracked citizenship and the ones who follow those instructions be categorised as “working against the interests of the nation”?
Simply allowing citizenship to be given to every Tom, Dick and Harry reveals the extreme stupidity of those who engage in such a traitorous act as these unskilled workers can pose a genuine threat to the lives of Malaysian citizens because during their time-off, these foreign workers can easily indulge in crime.
A few bad apples is all that it takes to cause a Malaysian’s life miserable.
Admittedly there are many good foreign workers but the price to pay in the increasing crime rate caused by those who are jobless is just too high a price.
As the BN federal government is the only government who has been governing Malaysia, it is the BN federal government then who will be blamed as the ones who initiated this problem because the National Registration Department (NRD) is under their purview.
Vote out BN
Therefore the only way to end this malaise is to vote out the traitorous crooks. No two-ways about it. We have to reclaim our streets, our cities and our nation from these legal and illegal foreigners.
The government must see to it that our school dropouts and jobless youth are given skills training to enable them to become gainfully employed. Otherwise the government should stop talking about Vision 2020 and high-income nation status.
As of now, the incumbent government is only heaping hype on the phrase “high-income nation” but their actions do not suit their words. Is the government trying to hoodwink the rakyat with regard to the same?
How to become a high-income nation when there is so much unskilled or low-skilled labour in Malaysia? Currently the government’s evil game plan is this: keep a portion of the citizens and the large corporations well-fed and comfortable so that they will not speak out against the government and keep another portion of the citizens poor so that they will always need to depend on the government for handouts and assistance.
Thus by this Machiavellian scheme, both the poor and the rich will vote to keep BN in power.
We have to break free from this system by booting out the rogues using the ballot box. Ironically as the right-thinking citizens are trying to vote in a new federal government, those who are given fast-tracked citizenship will be trying to maintain the incumbent government in the federal seat of power.
Thus in order for a new federal government to be voted in, all genuine Malaysians must vote in favour of Pakatan Rakyat. Otherwise, Pakatan will not have the numbers and we the rakyat can truly be said to be dumb and doomed.

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