Thursday, January 24, 2013

They have cried wolf one too many times

YOURSAY 'This is no different from previous claims of the proselytisation of Muslims and the plot to overthrow the government to install a Christian PM.'

Christians alarmed by Bible-burning 'plan'

your sayYF: I believe this whole thingy is a farce to provoke the rakyat. I would see it as a test to remove the chaff off the wheat. Those who are principled, those who stick to the truth, those who believe in a real ‘muhibbah' Malaysia will remain after all these tests.

Universiti Utara Malaysia law student KS Bawani stood up even though her fellow students were cheering for the wrong party. But it took time for those students to finally see who was right in the end. The same is applied here as well.

Time will tell what is best for Malaysia and what is not. And time is not what Umno has actually, they should have had the elections earlier. Now they have to contend with even more bad publicity for them to chew.

All thanks to the likes of Ibrahim Ali, Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin, Hasan Ali and Muhyiddin Yassin. Their sins in time will find them out.

MfM: Christian peace-loving? Since when? Who started the Crusades? Who attacked Iraq? Who attacked Iran? When Christians are a minority, they claim to be peace-loving, but when not, well, history speaks for itself.

I don't condone bible-burning either as the intent is to provoke rather than resolve the problem. But Christians in Malaysia are hypocritical and the worse are their clergy.

There should be no ‘Allah' in the Bahasa Malaysia Bible. They can use ‘Tuhan' which is the general term for God in BM. It's recognised as such in the Rukunegara and Negaraku, why the continued insistence to provoke Muslim retaliation?

Odin: Let us, Christians, other non-Muslims and peace-loving Muslims, not raise our heckles and allow our blood pressure to rise. I do not think that there will be any burning, that the threat is an empty one made merely to stoke anger and to incite violence.

Malaysia is like a ship with a broken rudder, and a worse-than-timid captain who is hiding in his cabin, sailing in a violent storm. What should its crew do in order to survive? The answer is simple - they should keep cool and together (be united) work out a way to save themselves.

If there really will be a ‘bible-burning festival', leave those people be. Let them burn tonnes of the Bible to their hearts' content. This is because if we ignore them, they will derive no pleasure from their act.

Leave it to God to deal with them in the way He sees fit. For vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, remember?

Fateh: Christians throughout the country should not fall into the trap of those who wanted to create religious controversies with the hope and intention to divert attention on the hot revelation of ‘citizenship for votes' issue in our beloved country.

Multi Racial: The fact that the government and the authorities do not come out publicly to make a statement against what Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali said or take action against him goes to show the government or/and the authorities condone what he said and they are ultimately responsible for it.

1FunnyGovernment: I think Home Minister Hishammuddin will say that they have not committed a crime yet so he cannot take action. Wait till they burn, then he can take action.

Relax, no need to get uptight because it's not going to help anyway. Show your anger only at the polling station.
Ibrahim Ali: I didn't intend to offend Christians

Borneo Son: Ibrahim Ali is the one who has violated the Federal Constitution. In my view, the various state enactments are ultra vires since they go against the freedom of religion enshrined in the supreme law of the land.

However, rather than be angry, I feel sorry for him as ultimately he has to answer before God. May God forgive him and people like him for they know not what they do.

We can see their ignorance as they don't realise that the first Malay-language Bible (the Gospel of Matthew) contained the word ‘Allah' as far back as 400 years ago.

Slumdog: Ibrahim Ali claimed that the action of a certain party (which he conveniently didn't say who) had distributed Malay-language bibles to students at a secondary school in Penang and that this had angered many Muslims.

Okay, please call a press conference and produce this Malay-language Bible so that we can at least substantiate your story and maybe find out who is behind this. Please do not make wild inflammatory statements unless you have evidence to back it up.

Your comments are no different from previous claims by others of the proselytisation of Muslims and the Christian plot to overthrow the government and install a Christian PM.

Masu Otaku: Who were the people who captured the video and photographic evidence of the three men distributing the bibles? Why didn't they make a citizen's arrest?

Could it be that the people who took the photographic evidence had paid the men to act out this charade of distributing the bibles? The police must investigate those who made the police report in the first place.

YUNoAnon: "I didn't intend to humiliate you when I spat on your face." Ibrahim Ali, tell me how you would interpret this. - Malaysiakini

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