Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Watch out for scams of 2013

We the ordinary citizens are scammed 24/7. We are surrounded by cronies and scammed by cronies.
We are going to start the year being scammed with a recycled scam! This scam, which is in fact a con-trick, was used before the Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9, 2011.
In this trick, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak had made a statement that prior to the rally, the Bersih organisers can make use of a stadium. But when the Bersih organisers voiced out that they want to use Stadium Merdeka, it was turned down.
Now that Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat (HKR) will be held in Kuala Lumpur on Jan 12, Stadium Merdeka will again be in the limelight.
Mohamad Sabu, the PAS deputy president, had announced that the application to use Stadium Merdeka was made last year. As at the time of writing, the permit to use the stadium has yet to be issued. Looks like the same thing is going to happen as in the second Bersih Rally and so a repeat of this con-trick will be labelled as Stadium Trick 2.0.
The second greatest scam of the year is an ongoing scam and it is none other than the Citizenship Scam wherein the unskilled or low-skilled foreign workers have been accorded the great privilege of owning a MyKad plus the added bonus of having their name simultaneously inserted into the voter rolls.
In their hands therefore lie the fate of a nation which should not acknowledge them as citizens in the first place. But then this is the epitome of “Malaysia Boleh” and so anything and everything goes! The duty of these fake citizens then is to see to it that the incumbent government remains in power.
It must be said that this is a first in the world. Nowhere in the world is citizenship given for votes. As this scam is also part of the 13th general election scam, then this is a scam within a scam.
PAS, especially Selangor PAS and Pokok Sena PAS MP, Mahfuz Omar, has ample evidence of this scam. Many areas in Selangor are filled with bogus citizens and they will be activated on polling day. The problem of alien invasion is real and very acute in Sabah, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.
In the previous general election in 2008, PAS Unit Amal had stopped some busloads of phantom voters in Terengganu and those areas where the buses were stopped, PAS won.
In those areas where the buses got through, PAS lost. This gives us an idea how critical this problem has become and how it can affect the destiny of the nation.
Greatest scam
Now we come to the greatest scam of all time and it is none other than the 13th general election.
The purpose of this scam is of course to block Pakatan Rakyat from wresting control of Putrajaya via the ballot box so that the current rogues can continue to plunder and pillage.
Extra ballot papers and phantom voters will be the order of the day. Not only that but the names of perfectly legal and genuine Malaysian citizen voters may disappear from the voter rolls or transferred to another state far away.
Again, anything and everything goes so we can expect the unexpected on polling day.
In addition to that, there will be more shenanigans during the vote-counting process as well.
Pakatan needs to get ready powerful generator sets, flashlights and video-cameras/camcorders with infra-red facilities to stand by on vote-counting night. This is because there may be a sudden power-outage/blackout and during the commotion, extra ballot boxes can be brought in.
Mass presence of Pakatan supporters and right-thinking public is needed to be at the vote-counting centre so that any hanky-panky can be prevented or minimised.
The huge presence of the rakyat can also deter hooligans who are tasked with creating chaos in order for the vote-counting process to be stopped midway. This can happen in areas where Pakatan looks set to win.
If the hooligans fail in their task, then the Election Commission (EC) can still through one technical reason or other fail to announce the Pakatan winner.
All these crooked moves will lessen Pakatan’s seat count in the effort to capture federal power. The massive presence of the rakyat at the vote-counting centre will strike fear into the hearts of the EC officers and those who want to sabotage Pakatan will need to think twice.
Thus Pakatan needs the help of the rakyat who can be scambusters to bust BN’s rogue scams. One must realise that BN is not only scamming Pakatan, it is also scamming all the citizens of Malaysia and yet there are many who still want to vote for it.
Breaking free
One can see that scammers run the nation. From the AES (Automated Enforcement System) to miscellaneous charges that we have to pay for this and that, it is scam, scam and more scam.
We the ordinary citizens are scammed 24/7. We are surrounded by cronies and scammed by cronies. We must thus break free out of this evil and suffocating system.
If we do not do so by the 13th general election, we will be finished economically. The elite and their cronies will become fat cats while the rest of us have to bear with the rising cost of living and the rising crime rate that will follow suit.
In order to improve our situation, we need to stop the rot by taking action to get the government that can give us a better prospect.
If the election system cannot do this for us, we have to do it ourselves. The choice is in our action and whether we have enough courage to act for the betterment of all.
Selena Tay is a FMT columnist.

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