Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Go to the moon, Vell Paari tells Perkasa

Responding to Perkasa's stinging criticism, the MIC leader says that it is them and not him who is the real liability to BN.
KUALA LUMPUR: Malay extremist group Perkasa has launched a scathing attack against MIC leader S Vell Paari and defended academic Ridhuan Tee Abdullah over his controversial article.
In an online news report, the movement’s secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali described the MIC strategy director as a publicity hound attempting to reverse his sinking political fortunes.
Calling Vell Paari a liability to Barisan Nasional, he said Indian community leaders close to Perkasa had advised the MIC leadership to ignore Vell Paari because his voice was no longer important.
Responding to the criticism, the MIC leader said that he was willing to sponsor mirrors for the members of Perkasa.
“It is obvious that they have not looked at themselves in a mirror. These imbeciles label me a burden to BN when Perkasa was responsible for alienating non-Malay votes with their racism.
“So I hope with these mirrors, they could take a good look at themselves before pointing their stained fingers at others.
“It also seems that my voice was important enough to draw a reaction from Perkasa,” he told FMT.
Furthermore, Vell Paari said unlike Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali, who hopped from BN to the opposition, and then back again, he continued to remain with the ruling coalition.
“Their leader is a frog, who would never turn into a handsome prince no matter how many times you kiss him and these people have the audacity to talk about me. I find that amusing,” he added.
Barking for the right reasons
As for him being a publicity hound, Vell Paari quipped that he was glad to be compared to an animal that was considered grateful.
The MIC leader added that at least he was in the news for barking in defence of preserving this nation’s multiracialism unlike Perkasa which was in the news for being rabid, and therefore should be put to sleep.
“Once again, with the mirrors I am willing to present Perkasa, they could at least stand before them and ask, ‘mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the biggest threat to BN of them all’,” he added.
Commenting on Syed Hassan’s remark that Indian leaders close to Perkasa had advised MIC’s top brass to ignore him, Vell Paari said he was shocked that the movement’s leaders had Indian friends.
“And if there are Indian community leaders willing to be close to such bigots, it is their voices which must be ignored, not mine.
“I love my country more than I love the party that I belong to. So I would not stop criticising those who threaten my nation with their venom,” he stressed.
Does Perkasa represent the Malays?
Vell Paari also took Syed Hassan to task for claiming that the former’s views did not represent the sentiments of the Indian community.
“This is the problem with those who only read certain newspapers and live in a cocoon.
“It is Perkasa’s views that do not represent the feelings of the ‘true’ Malays as illustrated by the handful of supporters who turned up for their so-called counter protest against Bersih.
“We could even ask the Malays in PAS and PKR if Perkasa represented their voice,” he added.
Quizzed on Perkasa’s defence of Ridhuan’s article, saying that there were some elements of truth in it, Vell Paari said that statement alone proved the mindset of the movement’s leaders.
“These people are criticising me for criticising a racist. Perkasa and people like Ridhuan belong on the moon and not in a multi-racial nation like Malaysia,” he said.
On Syed Hasan’s warning that Vell Paari and opposition Indian leaders should refrain from making threats and hurtful remarks, the MIC leader said the Perkasa secretary-general should advise his president first.
“Ibrahim Ali called for the burning of Bibles. I am asking for action to be taken against a racist. So in what warped logic, am I the greater threat?” he asked.
“Ridhuan stands accused of plagiarising and being a fraud. Is this the type of people Perkasa wishes to defend? That speaks volumes about Perkasa, doesn’t it?” he added.
The MIC leader also clarified that he was not demanding an apology from Ridhuan but rather wanted him sacked for his insensitive remarks.
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