Wednesday, February 27, 2013

MIC Youth wants Home Ministry to act on Ridhuan Tee

MIC Youth wants Universiti Pertahanan Nasional senior lecturer Ridhuan Tee Abdullah to be taught a "lesson" for his recent article which they claimed had hurt the feelings of the Indian community.

NONEThe movement's information chief S Subramaniam said the federal government should not let Ridhuan (left) off the hook over the article, which appeared in Sinar Harian last week.

"Let us deliver a lesson to those who intentionally stir up racial issues to gain cheap popularity," he said.

He was speaking to reporters after delivering a protest note to the Home Ministry earlier this morning.

"We hope the ministry will take immediate action against the senior lecturer."

NONEThe memorandum was received by the ministry's deputy chief secretary of the security and public order division Shamril Faizalis Shamsul.

Several police reports has been lodged against Ridhuan Tee, a Chinese Muslim convert, for his allegedly racially-tinged article.

Sinar Harian has since apologised over the article, although Ridhuan continues to keep mum on the matter.

[More to follow]

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