Friday, March 29, 2013

Jui Meng now eyeing Bakri, Kulai seats from DAP

Johor PKR chief Chua Jui Meng is likely to contest in the Bakri or the Kulai parliamentary seats, now that the hot Gelang Patah seat has gone to DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang.

According to state PKR election director Steven Choong, the Segamat parliamentary seat is Chua’s third choice for the coming general election.

NONEChoong (right) said this is not Chua’s personal desire but the aspirations of the grassroots themselves.

“The central leadership has its stand. But for us (at the grassroots), since Gelang Patah has been given to Lim Kit Siang because he requested for it, DAP will offer a seat in exchange, and we would like to ask for Bakri, Kulai and Segamat,” Choong told Malaysiakiniwhen contacted today.

“This is the suggestion from the grassroots. But it is up to the negotiations panel headed by DAP deputy president Tan Kok Wai and PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.

“I have asked that an agreement be reached, preferably before the week is over. Better if we can know by tomorrow. The grassroots is eager to get going. If we don’t settle the matter, how can the grassroots start work?” Choong said.

DAP weak in three seats

On March 18, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim announced that PKR has agreed to give Gelang Patah to the DAP to contest.

NONEThis came after months ofjostling on the ground, in particular between Chua and Johor DAP chief Dr Boo Cheng Hau. 

PKR contested the seat in 2008 and lost to MCA by a 8,851 margin.

The constituency of more than 100,000 voters has two state seats under it - Nusajaya held by BN’s Abdul Aziz Sapian and Skudai by Boo.

Gelang Patah’s 54 percent Chinese composition has made it an attractive proposition for both DAP and PKR.

DAP won Bakri in 2008 with a narrow 722-vote margin, and lost Kulai and Segamatto MCA (11,744-vote margin) and MIC (2,991) respectively.

Chua performed well in Bakri in 2004, defeating the DAP candidate with a 19,059-vote majority.

'Chua not peeved'

Meanwhile, Choong said talk that Chua was unhappy with the Gelang Patah decision was untrue.

NONEHe said Chua had kept silent and avoided the media functions to avoid any misunderstanding.

“He has just kept silent... he did not make a fuss. He did not answer any media calls. He still communicates with the central leadership and grassroots.

“He only avoided all open functions. I don’t know, perhaps he did not want people to talk and cause misunderstanding,” said Choong.

“When one keeps silent, it can always be misunderstood,” he added.

Asked about PKR’s aspirations for the three seats, Tan said negotiations have not begun although the matter has been discussed.

“There is no decision yet. It’s hard for me to give a deadline. Discussions are ongoing, but we don’t know the outcome yet,” Choong told Malaysiakini when contacted.

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