Monday, April 1, 2013

Mawan, Jabu’s wife get PKR support

Growing anger against the humiliating insults spewed by Chief Minister Taib Mahmud's cousins against the Dayak community appears to be 'bridging' political differences here.
KUCHING: In a rare expression of support, Sarawak PKR has lauded Senior Minister William Mawan, MP Alexander Nantha Linggi and Empian Jabu who is the wife of deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu for coming to the defence of the Dayak community who were recently insulted by Fatimah and Norlia Rahman Yakub in a video recorded by international pressure group Global Witness.
Responding to Mawan-led Sarawak Dayak National Union (SDNU) and Empiang-helmed Serakup Indu Dayak (SID) association, PKR said more Dayak leaders in Taib’s administration should speak up for Dayaks and against current government’s policy of land-grabs.
SDNU, with over a 100,000 direct members, is considered to be a ‘powerful’ and ‘influential’ NGOs in Sarawak.
SDNU vice-president Anthony Banyan, had on behalf of its supreme council, expressed affront at the women’s description of Dayaks as having “low intelligence”, were “easily manipulated” and “squatting” on government land. The statement also called for a public apology.
State PKR information chief Vernon Aji Kedit: “The statement issued by SDNU as well as the Women’s Wing, Serakup Indu Dayak Sarawak is not only courageous but also ground-breaking and should be applauded.
“The statement called for an apology from the Chief Minister’s cousins for ‘demeaning and deplorable’ remarks.
“SDNU’s strong stance and call for ‘all quarters to stand up for the Dayak community and recognise our rights over land’ is a loud and clear statement that goes against the grain of what the government has been saying all this while.
“More crucially, this radical statement is a clear breakaway from the Barisan Nasional government’s land policies by senior Barisan Nasional politicians and leaders.”
Warning to BN
Kedit said the two “outstanding and drastic statements” by SDNU and SDGA respectively in support of native customary rights should serve as “a loud warning to BN” that not all BN Dayak leaders agree with or support the current government’s actions and inactions in relation to land-grabs of Dayak lands in Sarawak.
“Banyan, in his statement which was endorsed by the Supreme Council of SDNU which comprises very senior Barisan Nasional leaders like its president William Mawan, its deputy president Alexander Nanta Linggi and the president of its Women’s Wing, Empiang Jabu, clearly refuted the allegations by the Chief Minister’s cousins that state land is not NCR land, and condemned it.
“We congratulate them unmistakable and uncompromising manner.
“We hope their unequivocal stance will send out a tough message to those who wish to demean, deplore and reduce the Dayaks to mere squatters,” said Kedit.
He also congratulated the Sarawak Dayak Graduates Association for its similar stance.
Said Kedit: “SDGA president Dusit Jaul’s statement succinctly explained the concept of ‘adat berimba’ or ‘ngerumpang menua’ which makes up the essence of native customary rights.
“These rights have been championed by Sarawak PKR and we are now pleased that Dayak leaders from all walks of life are finally coming out to speak out regarding this issue.”

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