Monday, April 1, 2013

MCA veep: Guan Eng trying to sow discord in Kluang

MCA vicepresident Gan Ping Sieu said today DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng was trying to sow discord by challenging him to contest against DAP 's Liew Chin Tong in Kluang.

This, he said, was because the candidacy in that parliamentary seat for MCA was yet to be decided.

NONEIt is understood that the candidacy is being hotly vied by both Gan (left) and incumbent Kluang MP Hou Kok Chung.

"Lim is trying to create conflict between us and we will not fall into this trap. He should take care of his own house (Penang)," Gan told a press conference in Putrajaya this morning.

He joked that when the challenge was issued, he was filled with excitement and expectations as he thought Lim would be personally contesting there.

While welcoming Liew's foray, Gan said he would ultimately put the party's wishes above his own on who should be the candidate for Kluang.

"As a national party leader, contesting in the general election is a responsibility. But which seat, is up to the party to decide," he said.

However, he confirmed that he would not contest a state seat in this general election.

'Kluang people's way'

Gan said MCA had rectified its weaknesses that caused a drop of support for the party in Kluang in the last general election and was prepared to take on DAP this time.

He said MCA would respond to DAP's assault there with the "Kluang people's way".

"I am a local from Kluang and I understand its culture and way of life.

"I don't want to prejudge the people of Kluang but I believe whoever who shows a serious commitment in community work and has a clear stance in national politics will be welcomed," Gan said.

Kluang was won by MCA in 2008 by a 3,781-vote majority, which was a reduction from its 2004 18,698-vote majority win.

Gan himself was narrowly defeated by DAP in 2008, in the state seat of Mengkibol with a 1,281-vote majority.

Gan acknowledged that DAP was expecting a big swing among Chinese voters in Johor but criticised the party for making such an assumption as taking the community's support for granted.

"We do not appear only once in five years, we have done our work here for a long time," said Gan who is seen as a maverick in MCA.

For example, Gan said MCA had been successful in solving several issues in the constituency relating to land and places of worship.

However, Gan admitted that MCA has had to tweak its strategy after DAP suddenly sent its "generals" to contest in Johor but declined to reveal details.

"But Johor is now seeing many changes, such as the Iskandar development area... it is an exciting development process for Johor and the people will view this as a priority," he said.

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