Friday, March 29, 2013

Not The 4 Reaons why BN delays election.

The two statements forming the subject matter of this article are: - (1) Najib wants bigger support. (2) Mahathir says Najib is the best person to be the PM.

When Mahathir stands in the way of Pakatan to get to Putarajaya, his age is not relevant so as to inspire restraint. He is the enemy that must be brushed aside. This election is much more important to Mahathir that any other previous ones because he knows BN can lose this time. Daim knows this too. Losing is no longer a theoretical option. It’s coming to be real. From being scared in theory and able to laugh at it, it now becomes actually possible, actually scary and not laughable anymore.

For people like Mahathir and Daim and for Najib and the corrupt leadership, this election is not like making embroidery and having a cup of Darjeeling tea at YTL’s Majestic Hotel.  

When BN loses, it will be chickens coming home to roost for him and his kind and comeuppance time.

UMNO is using women, children and old men to defend itself. These people are placed on the frontlines, the generals and the Roman senators are packing up to leave for Merry Old England or down south to Ozzieland. The people are first in the firing line and are fodder to UMNO’s canons.

Why are the civil servants shouting in irrational jubilation when Najib announces the government will give them half of their EPF in cash and the other half in pension instalments? Woi- it’s your money, for God’s sake. You can demand all in cash at once. You are laughing at someone who announces what he wants to do with YOUR money? Let me make a more naked comparison. Najib comes to your house and announces he wants to sleep with your wife and then he will let you have her back after that.

Can do?

Please don’t be like the stupid BN parliamentarians who thumped the table when the Minister announces that subsides for sugar will be removed only to realise later, that decision leads to increase in sugar price. The BN fools later rationalised the subsidy removal as coming from a concern by the government on the unhealthy sugar intake of the people. We are fools but not Bloody Fools!

This government (1) bullies us and (2) making fools of us. And you still want them to lead us?

Why are the relatively poorer and cash strapped Malays joining in protests and demonstrations against getting free education? Pakatan offers your children free education up to university levels and you allow UMNO to fool you and you object through demonstrations and protests and insist you want to pay? You Malays have money? Yet 90% of the Br1M recipents are Malays. 

When I was ADUN, at year end when schools reopen, people come in droves asking help from you to buy uniforms, shoes and 1001 other needed items- you don’t have money. Yet you rise in protest and demonstrate to pay for PTPTN.

Has UMNO filled fire water in your heads?

In the 2004 elections, Pak Lah got the biggest win in UMNO’s history. UMNO’s spiritual adviser Dr Mahathir, could not get the results Pak Lah got. Pak lah thought the people liked him and he went on to recite a poem about looking out for some saints and some spiritual quest. The Pharisees and the Philistines, the holy and the sinners all clapped at him. He found a Jinn and no one speaks of Islam Hadhari anymore. How much money did we waste in letting Pak Lah play out his idiocy?

But the people gave Pak Lah his biggest victory because they were actually celebrating the exit of Mahathir. Now that Mahathir has assumed the role of de facto UMNO president, here is another chance for Malaysians to celebrate his final exit by kicking out UMNO. Mahathir’s and Daim’s endorsement of Najib are meaningless as most of the rakyat have already made up their mind. The mistake Daim made was to say something similar to what Mahathir says. That was a dead giveaway that he’s not all there about giving Najib the grades.

Malays need to be mindful that in 2008, UMNO secured only 2.38 million votes. This figure is smaller than UMNO’s membership. (2) In 2008, there were 5.7 million Malay voters. Assuming that out of the 2.38 million, 85% were actually Malays, UMNO got around 2.02 million Malay votes. That means 3.68 million Malay voters rejected UMNO in 2008. So who does UMNO speak for? It can’t even claim it is the spokesman for Malays. So it can’t claim precedence over others over religion, race and homeland.

By the way- Tun Oracle said something which I forgot. He told Najib when Najib enlists Mahathir to spearhead UMNO’s fight; he must be ready to control Mahathir. Mahathir is one loose cannon says Tun Oracle.

So do we attach much credence to Mahathir’s endorsement to Najib? If Malays supports Mahathir’s endorsement it will mean Malays will continue to be side-lined in the country’s prosperity. Remember this- after 55 years of UMNO rule, 8.7million Malays live on a monthly income of RM1500 and below. If the Chinese support Mahathir’s endorsement, it means you dishonour the memory of your ancestors whom Mahathir regards as illegal immigrants and of questionable citizenry. Malaysian Indians can continue to be fooled by Mahathir. A few Malaysian Indian Uncle Toms created and handpicked by Mahathir, lulled you into believing those in estates all over the country have got salvation.

So we can treat Mahathir’s and Daim’s endorsement of Najib as something that has gone through a cat’s digestive system and exited from the cat's behind; absolutely revolting.

Tun Oracle (hehe) just told me, Najib is useless in handling the economy; this thick skinned Finance minister says; a weakened government will derail his economic plans? Weakened UMNO/BN means a stronger Pakatan which has the record of managing better. So what is the problem?

There is a better future sans UMNO. That’s good news for us. For Najib and his merry band of plunderers and robbers, who cares?

Public debt has reached RM504 billion. So where will we get the income to service just the debt alone?  The problem will not go away by offering the childish statement that Najib in command, everything will be sorted out. How cleaver can Najib be?

When Tun Oracle ruled the Finance Ministry, commodity prices were good. But to reduce public debt, he reduced profligate spending, cut down salaries. Now genius finance Minister Najib- raises salaries, not mindful of the reduction in PETRONAS’s revenue and Palm oil revenues, gives out BR1Ms here and there. In Kelantan for months he has given money- gratis to teachers and civil servants and villagers. So that is good economics no?

Don’t worry- we are not going to lecture readers on the dismal science. We are taking Najib on his answer to ruling efficiently- by giving him overwhelming victory. Najib is actually a little Mahathir minus the balls. He wants absolute power but does not have the stomach to secure it. Where does it say, you have to have absolute power then only you can rule better? 

Can you trust a man with this kind of thinking?Najib is little Mahathir but has one up over the old man. Najib has overweening Rosmah while Mahathir has thoughful Siti Hasmah.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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