Monday, April 1, 2013

Parliament dissolved!

Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announces the dissolution of Parliament, paving the way for the 13th general election.
By Loof Lirpa
PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has announced the dissolution of Parliament, to pave the way for the much anticipated 13th general election.
In a brief media statement, Najib said that he had met the Yang di-Pertuan Agong last week, and the King had given the consent for the dissolution.
“I hereby announce the dissolution of Parliament to facilitate the holding of the 13th general election and now it is up to the Election Commission to decide on the polling date,” said the prime minister.
Najib’s sudden announcement came as a shock, since speculation had been rife that the dissolution would come into effect in the middle of this month, with the election most probably in May.
The prime minister had come under intense criticism for placing the nation on election mode for more than a year, with talk of a snap polls circulating since early 2011.
He also drew flak when he remarked that he liked it when people speculated about the polls.
Najib, who took over the reins in 2009 following the resignation of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, would be seeking his first mandate as prime minister in the coming elections.
EC and opposition surprised
Contacted later, EC chairman Abdul Aziz Yusof was stunned to learn of the dissolution.
“This comes as a total surprise. There goes my vacation plans,” he said, adding that the commission would hold a press conference soon to announce the dates for nomination and polling.
Abdul Aziz said the EC had a 60-day window period to hold the elections.
Opposition leaders also expressed surprise, with Anwar Ibrahim claiming that Najib had deliberately misled Pakatan Rakyat into thinking that the dissolution would take place later this month.
“This is another conspiracy to stop me from becoming prime minister,” he added.
Commenting on the unprecedented turn of events, FMT editor-in-chief K Kabilan said: “Sorry folks! This is an April Fool’s prank. We just could not resist.” - FMT

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