Friday, March 29, 2013

UMNO/BN dalang mendaftarkan rakyat sebagai pengundi tanpa pengetahuan mereka...

SPR 01

Umno-BN didakwa terlibat dalam kegiatan mendaftarkan rakyat Malaysia yang berada di luar negara sebagai pengundi demi memastikan parti itu terus berkuasa sebagai kerajaan di negara ini. 

Berikutan situasi itu Ahli Parlimen Klang, Charles Santiago mempersoalkan kredibiliti Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) sebagai badan bebas apabila mendedahkan kes penduduk Klang yang menetap di luar negara seperti  United Kingdom; Ireland dan Australia yang nama mereka didaftar tanpa pengetahuan.

Yang menghairankan, katanya, bagaimana maklumat seseorang rakyat itu diperolehi dan boleh didaftarkan sebagai pengundi tanpa kebenaran.

“SPR sebagai badan yang mengendalikan pilihan raya perlu bersikap adil dengan menjalankan siasatan dalaman berhubung perkara ini dan membuat laporan polis terhadap pihak terlibat.

“Apa yang menghairankan ia melibatkan Umno-BN kerana informasi diterima bagi pendaftaran Dinesh a/l Siva Kumar, 32, dibuat oleh Penolong Pendaftar Umno, Hishamuddin Kassim. Bagaimana perkara ini boleh berlaku? Siapa yang menandatangani borang pendaftarannya?

“Ia juga seolah-olah mengaitkan pihak Imigresen, SPR dan Umno-BN dalam komplot ini,” katanya dalam sidang media di sini hari ini.

Bapa Dinesh, K Siva Kumar, 64, menjelaskan dia terkejut apabila mendapati anaknya didaftarkan sebagai pemilih untuk mengundi bagi pilihan raya di dalam negara. 

Katanya, anaknya bertugas sebagai jurutera dan menetap di United Kingdom lebih 10 tahun tidak pernah mendaftar diri sebagai pengundi atau mewakilkan seseorang untuk tujuan berkenaan.

“Saya  membuat laporan polis pada 31 Januari lalu tetapi apa yang mengecewakan ialah SPR yang tidak bekerjasama dalam perkara ini.

“Menerusi emel, SPR hanya menyatakan pendaftaran anak saya dibuat pada 7 Mac 2012 oleh Hishamuddin yang kemudiannya ditamatkan perkhidmatan pada 27 April 2012 atas beberapa kesilapan pendaftaran dilakukan.

“SPR dilihat melindungi Hishamuddin dan Umno-BN apabila tidak menjawab beberapa emel saya iaitu 18, 19, 21 dan 26 Mac lalu,” katanya mengenai aduan dibuat kepada SPR Selangor.-selangorku

SPR 03

 UMNO man implicated in fraudulent voter registration...

An Umno member who was a former assistant registrar of voters for the Election Commission (EC) has been implicated in a non-consensual voter registration exercise. These activities, the DAP claimed today, could have involved many voters over the years.

dap congress 161212 charles santiagoKlang MP Charles Santiago said he and his team have traced the non-consensual registration of S Dinesh, a 32-year-old Malaysian currently residing in Britain, to a man who used to serve as assistant registrar for Umno.

These assistant registrars are political party members who help out in  the registration of voters, after EC endorsement.

The man allegedly registered Dinesh in March 2012. Dinesh's father, S Sivakumar, said his son had never registered as a voter as he is now based in the UK.

Charles said checks with the Selangor EC showed that it was indeed this Umno member who had carried out the registration. 

His role as an assistant registrar has since been terminated, allegedly for fraudulent voter registration, Charles further claimed.

He said he wants to know how many more of such fraudulent registrations have been carried out by the man, so as to ensure there are no discrepancies in the electoral roll.

So, how did he get information about Dinesh? 

"The problem here is that we need to know how many people were registered in a similar way by this man," he said.

Charles also questioned how the Umno member obtained Dinesh's details and information that the latter was residing in the UK.

"No layman could have provided this information. It must have come from a government agency. And the agency that would have all this information is obviously the Immigration Department," he said.

Dinesh was registered as a voter on March 7, 2012 and checks with the EC reveal that he is now eligible to vote in Charles' parliamentary constituency of Klang and for the Kota Alam Shah state seat.

Charles said this could also be a case of impersonation and false information. "So, who was impersonating (Dinesh)?" he asked.

"The EC should file a police report and get the police to act against this assistant registrar," he said, adding that he would accompany Sivakumar to the Selangor EC office to demand full details on Dinesh's registration as a voter in an attempt to find out the person who had impersonated him.

Penang Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy has also complained that his 25-year-old daughter, who also resides in the UK, has been registered as a voter without her knowledge.

Charles said he has received information about many other similar cases of citizens residing abroad being registered as voters in Malaysia, without their knowledge.-malaysiakini


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