Wednesday, May 1, 2013

An Enlightened Indian View

Hang in there folks. All this politicking will be over in another few more days. Of course I will be changing the topic of discussion after the elections. Would you like to discuss pocket aircraft carriers and the manufacture of medium range guided missiles? It is something we have to do sooner or later. 

Today is May 1st, 2013 - a public holiday. Happy Labour Day to all the workers of the world.  Labour Day or not, we are open for business today - labouring away. Nine of us are working today while two of the girls are away on maternity leave. What will the world be without our own labour?

Anyway I appeared live on TV3 last nite - for about an hour beginning 9.15pm on 'Mandat' with Dato Zaini of Utusan. The moderator was Tok Mat (Dato Ahmad Talib of Media Prima).  The discussion was of course the coming GE on Sunday, May 5th. Thanks for some of your comments. Thank you also for your comments after watching me on Selamat Pagi Malaysia a couple of weeks back.

I received the following sms from a friend and former boss who is an astute observer of very many things. I just want to share his observations with you. My former boss is an Indian. I had asked him for any views that I may refer to during the live telecast. I was not able to use all the points last nite so I want to share it with you anyway. There are reasons why I am sharing these points. My comments are in blue.

Syed, in your programme today, you should consider the following points. 

1. PR is riding on 2008 results. There it must be recognised that people who were BN supporters was against Badawi, so they supported the Opposition. 

2. Now PR is riding on it by polarising people - like DAP depending on Chinese vote while PAS and PKR are running on it. 

My views : Absolutely. 2008 was an aberration caused by a widespread dislike of Abdullah Badawi. As I said before, those were the days when Ronnie Liu, Elizabeth Wong, Tony Pua, Nurul Izzah, Raja Petra and such hung out with UMNO Bloggers.   Raja Petra Kamaruddin and I went in my car to Ronnie Liu's victory dinner at Pandamaran. There was a  DAP motorcycle escort  waiting for us at the highway exit.  Even 100 days after the March 8, 2008 General Elections we were still hanging out together - because Abdullah Badawi had not stepped down yet. Here are pictures of a gathering we had on July 6th 2008. 

 Me, Abang & Mukriz
 Mukriz, Malik Imtiaz, Ronnie Liu

Dato Nuraina Samad & Nurul Izzah

Well those days are quite gone.  It was a "one night stand" and every had fun. No finger pointing ok. So if the BN wins back what it lost in 2008, please dont riot in the streets ok. 2008 happened because we wanted it to happen. Not anymore.

3. PR's only strategy is to get rid of BN at all cost without any clear cut deeply thought policies. 

4. They talk of populist policies like free education and so forth without realising the consequences. What must be understood, education is available to all Malaysians and everyone has to be responsible  for it. 

My comments :  Yes they do not have any policies. We do not even know what will be their foreign policy - which has contributed a lot to our well being as well. We are friends to all and enemy to none. We have spoken loudly against what is not right in the world. Will this change? 

5. PR's conduct is to encourage a hate and cheating culture, which has severe consequences for the peace and  stability of the country now and in the future. 

6. PR's greed for power overlooks deep seated differences among themselves ie a marriage of convenience which itself is imminent for serious breakdown 

7. No clear cut leader, run by 3 leaders which seem to be held togather by Anwar, who holds them together by sweeping contentious issues under the carpet. PR's leadership and its membership are not of the same mind in handling issues. Good luck.

My comments : the only thing that is holding the PR together is their hate for a common enemy which is UMNO. This is racism at its most obvious. They do not dislike the MCA or the MIC or the Iban and Kadazan parties (which are all race based). The hatred is just for UMNO which is Malay based. To them a Malay is only good when the Malay agrees with them. If a Malay does not agree with them then he is bad. 

Dont they realise that PAS and PKR are also Malay race based parties? Those are the same spots on the leopard.  Wait till PAS' moon is full - then you will see the leopard -  spots, fangs and all.

Which is why they cannot decide between hudud and no hudud, who is going to be their PM, to shrink or not to shrink the Malay dominated Civil Service and so many other things. The Malay dominated Civil Service not only keeps Government functioning but it is also a source of economic wellbeing for the Malay people. Remove that and you kill the Malay economic pie.  So the racists know what they are saying.

Instead of shrinking the Malay dominated Civil Service, I would suggest that we improve the productivity and output of the Civil Service.  But this might create that other thing that they dont want to see -  highly capable and efficient Malays. Its all just racism.   .

Something else I wanted to say last nite on TV - we will put a stop to all this. Come May 5th all this has to stop. After 15 years of turmoil since 1998, its about time the ship of State is put back on an even keel and be on its way. Those who rock the boat shall be left behind. 

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