Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Najib promises 9999 homes in three DAP strongholds

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Razak promised to build 9,999 low-medium cost, and affordable homes for Penangites in three locations in the island.

Najib said through the 1Malaysia Development Berhad, he had signed agreements for Air Putih, Ayer Itam and Paya Terubong to each get 2222 low-medium cost homes and 1111 affordable homes.

The three constituencies are DAP strongholds.

NONEIndeed DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng (left) is the incumbent for the Air Putih state seat.

About 10,000 people, all clad in blue 1Malaysia BN t-shirts greeted Najib in Rifle Range tonight, enforcing the BN's belief that support, which they lost in 2008, has returned to the coalition.

Najib arrived at 9.45pm with his wife Rosmah Mansor and his entourage of BN leaders.

"Hebat! Hebat (great, great)! This is the most exciting rally. I see thousands of Penangites wearing the blue shirts. What does it mean? What does it mean? BN!

"I am here to assure Penangites that when the government make a promise, it will be fulfilled," he added.
Houses and a tunnel
Najib then recycled his promise of affordable homes for the people.

He asked: "Between houses and a tunnel, which do you choose?".

The people screamed "homes", and Najib said if BN won they would abolish the tunnel project.

"Why do it in a hurry and in a non-transparent manner?" He asked.

Najib said those living in the 962 one bedroom houses in Kampung Melayu will be given three bedroom homes in the Air Itam affordable homes scheme.

In Padang Tembak, FRU land will be joined with the current flats to jointly deliver 4,800 new low and medium cost homes with generous recreational facilities, he added.

"Existing occupants from Padang Tembak flats, the oldest housing project in Penang, will have bigger living spaces and better living conditions. Your new homes will be double the size of your current homes," he said.

"If you stay in units of 300 sq ft, you will move into larger homes of 700 sq ft. If you own a 400 sq ft unit, you will soon live in a home twice the size, 800 sq ft," he said to the joyous crowd.

"This is my aspiration for you, to be able to afford to own a home that is comfortable, well designed and conducive to a high quality of life," he added.

"This is the transformation I am bringing to Air Putih, Air Itam, Paya Terubong and Padang Tembak," he stressed.
Najib said he had directed 1MDB to be the master developer for the development project in these areas.

"It is ironic that this is the same company, wholly owned by the federal government, some people want to shut down," he said.

He said 1MDB detractors want to deny people affordable homes by wanting to shut down the company.

"You do not want people who are out to deprive you of a decent home," he said.

After he speech, the crowd was shown artist impressions of the high rise homes.

1000 signatures collected
Earlier, before Najib arrived, Penang Chinese Town Hall chairman Lam Wu Chong said 1,000 signatures have been collected from trade associations, chambers of commerce, clans and guilds in support of the free port status and monorail project.

In an earlier development at the Hotel Equatorial, Najib had good news for Penang Chinese education.

najib brings good news for penang chinese education 300413 heng ee school studentHe handed over the approval letter to upgrade the Han Chiang College to university college status.

He also announced that a new branch for Heng Ee High school in the south west district was approved.

"I am impressed with the way Chinese education is working together to raise funds for education, I believe this is something others can emulate, " he added.

"To start the ball rolling, Yayasan Rakyat 1Malaysia will contribute RM1 million to the Han Chiang College and Heng Ee school."

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