Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Najib’s fielding of 3 aides as candidates shows his INSECURITY

Najib’s fielding of 3 aides as candidates shows his INSECURITY
BN chairman Najib Razak’s decision to field five of his close aides at the polls is an indication that BN was feeling insecure in its bid to retain power.
According to PAS vice president Mahfuz Omar, Najib gave way to five of his closest officers to contest as BN candidates so that they would have careers in the event he lost his premiership after GE13.
“I believe the decision was because Najib is not confident that he could continue be the prime minister after the general election, whether or not BN loses,” Mahfuz told Harakahdaily.
Najib, he said, was just preparing a way out for his five loyal staff.
“He's telling, 'I have chosen you as candidate… now it’s your luck… in case I’m no longer the prime minister',” Mahfuz said sarcastically.
Najib's political secretaries are contesting for several parliamentary seats. They are Mohd Fatmi Salleh in Kota Bharu, Shahlan Ismail in Pokok Sena, Mohd Suffian Awang in Kuantan and Shafie Abdullah in Wangsa Maju. While his special taskforce officer in the Prime Minister’s Department Latt Shahriman is standing in Kubang Rotan state seat in Kedah.
The nomination of Najib’s men caused widespread internal protest from supporters of local candidates forced to make way for his 'winnable' candidates.

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