Thursday, May 30, 2013

ANWAR IS THIS, ANWAR IS THAT: Stop the bitching, 51% of this country likes him, OK!

ANWAR IS THIS, ANWAR IS THAT: Stop the bitching, 51% of this country likes him, OK!
It appears that since the 2008 elections there has been mounting arsenal targeted at one man – Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. And along with that snippets were also trained on anyone who aligned with this one man. That explains too then why Lim Kit Siang and several leaders within PAS were not spared too.
With the GE-13 wind of discontent gaining speed, DSAI suddenly becomes the mega-demon-monster. He is the prime target for everyone and anyone counting and betting on the BN-UMNO bandwagon ride to favors, fame and rewards. that includes the main stream media too.
Anwar is now the key crook wanting to destroy this nation. He is the one who is behind all of these surging Blackout 505 rallies.
Anwar is this. Anwar is that. Anything that is against the BN-UMNO agenda or mantra is because of Anwar.
The entire govt & machinery against one man
The flip side of this anti-Anwar madness also reveals how much an entire army of politicians, PDRM, EC, and all the entourage of BN-UMNO included, fear just one lone man. Does it not tell us much then?
Truly, a leader of contemporary times is one who has proven himself or herself through and through all the tests of times. In fact BN-UMNO patriots are already confirming this truth too.
Here is a man who has fought, and fought hard and withstood all the unending persecutions, fabrications, beatings, imprisonments, injustices, deprivations, humiliations – all of these and still commands a 51% following if not more.
That is truly great is it not?
Which one man or team of men and women within the BN-UMNO raider’s ark can lay claim to what Anwar has persevered and achieved so triumphantly?
Political bankruptcy
In fact, even those who look up to Anwar and recognize his tenacity, endurance, conviction and commitment to battle on despite the avalanche of attacks, destruction and derailments are suddenly made out to be enemies and threats to BN-UMNO too.
How sad, how miserably sad. Indeed this is what we could term as political bankruptcy. When corruption, deceit, ill intentions and self-profiteering become a cancer, the perpetrators will certainly want to crucify their very enemy. And in this case it is Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
But let history remind us again.
If Anwar is made to fall, the nation drowns. But the same may not hold water for BN-UMNO.
If anyone within BN-UMNO or even BN-UMNO collapses, the nation will quickly rebound and rebuild itself. Now, please do not be tempted to translate this as seditious or treason! It is only a plain fact.
Of course all the pro-BN-UMNO diehards and especially its beneficiaries will not like this article. But the truth is, to haunt Anwar is to affront more than half the nation’s popular conviction.

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