Wednesday, May 1, 2013

'Ghost busters' issue warning to 'phantom' voters

Four days to polling day, several banners and buntings have been put up near polling centers and places where immigrants are commonly seen to frequent nationwide, warning foreign workers not to vote.

Anything But Umno (ABU) coalition president Haris Ibrahim said such banners have been placed in several states, among which are Johor, Selangor, the Federal Territories, Perak, Negri Sembilan, Pahang, Kedah and Terengganu.

"The banners and buntings are printed in several languages like Indonesian, Burmese, Bangla and Urdu. They are put up to warn foreigners who may have obtained MyKads and may come out to vote. We do not want them to participate in the electoral process as their presence may change the actual outcome," he toldMalaysiakini.

NONE"They have been placed near polling centres and also in areas frequented by the foreigners to warn them not to come out. We have not received any comments from the Election Commission (EC) on this, but if such banners or buntings are pulled down, our volunteers will put them back up," Haris (right) stressed.

Similar banners have been spotted in nomination centers, including several placed in front of SJK (T) Bangsar.

However, when shown photos of the banners and buntings in front of the school, Haris said that ABU is not the one responsible in putting up these particular ones near the school.

"However, we welcome any efforts to convey the message across," he noted, adding that he does not find what is printed on the banners as threatening, as he likens foreigners who may come out to vote as akin to trespassing or entering a property without consent.

Previously, it was reported that ABU had warned foreigners 'peacefully' not to participate in the electoral process by publishing several booklets and pamphlets on the matter.

On another note, election rights group Bersih 2.0 had alsoexpressed concern that the existence of phantom voters and electoral fraud are spawning xenophobic and racist attacks against migrant workers.

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