Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Behind closed doors, Dr M pokes fun at Umno members

Behind closed doors, Dr M pokes fun at Umno members
A blog has revealed remarks made by former UMNO strongman Dr Mahathir Mohamad during a closed-door session (pic) with the former prime minister's fan club KelabCheDet, last Friday.

In expressing his disappointment on the state of affairs in the party which he had led for more than two decades, TheChulan blog quoted Mahathir poking fun at UMNO members' herd mentality.

“They would applaud even when the leader sneezes," he said in showing how members would not dare question the leadership even if decisions could damage the party.

Mahathir pointed out that present UMNO members did not have quality because the party was shunned by those who were educated.

"They then joined the opposition party to fight UMNO leaders, that is why retired generals, lecturers are all in opposition,” the blog claimed Mahathir said.

Mahathir also did not miss his favourite line to blame Abdullah Badawi's premiership for UMNO's problems.

On Najib Razak, Mahathir said he not only failed to correct the wrongs by Abdullah, but made the situation worse.

Mahathir then vented displeasure over Najib's attempts to reform the Election Commission as well as his abolition of the Internal Security Act to “soothe his opponents’ feelings.”

He also claimed that many had complained that Najib was giving too much attention to Chinese grouses.

On the perceived support of Malays for UMNO at the recent polls, Mahathir said the community had not voted Najib but voted against PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang.

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