Thursday, August 1, 2013

CLOSE DOWN BTN? NO WAY! Restore it to its former glory - Umno Senator

CLOSE DOWN BTN? NO WAY! Restore it to its former glory - Umno Senator
The National Civics Bureau (or Biro Tata Negara, BTN) should be enhanced and restored to its former glory to inculcate the love for the country and upgrade the spirit of patriotism among the people.
Senator Datuk Firdaus Abdullah proposed that BTN carry out research to study the nation building process and the government success over the years.
"BTN should not be confined to providing training or courses only. Having 100 programmes will not give any returns without monitoring of its effectiveness," he said when debating a motion on the Supplementary Supply Bill (2012) 2013 here today.
"However, BTN was politicised by certain quarters and it became the victim of vicious allegations. As a result, BTN was asked to take a low profile.
"The insults spewed by some youths due to the failure to inculcate love for the country and the spirit of patrotism called for BTN's 'return.'
"Hence, I propose that the national education plan emphasise on character and nation building. We already have it but it is not spelled out clearly," he said.
BTN is an agency under the Prime Minister's Department. - Bernama,

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