Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Good Cops,Bad Cops And Bad Home Minister

Home Minister Zahid Hamidi shouldn't have jumped the gun and defended the police without any concrete evidence to support his claim. He rubbished talk of police involvement after allegation made by former IGP Musa Hassan of dirty cops in the force.

There are good cops, bad  cops everywhere and Malaysia is no exception. 

Zahid Hamidi being the minister responsible for the police force and internal security should have assured the people that he will leave no stone unturned to investigate the shooting and attempted murder of crime watchdog activist R. Sri Sanjeevan instead of defending the police blindly

It seems we are out of the frying pan and into the fire. After the vacuous and vapid Hishammudin Onn, I would have thought there would be a better man to helm this highly sensitive and important ministry. As Nelson Mendela verbalised "You don't have that idea when you are arrogant, superficial and uninformed" 

Is Zahid competent to be the Home Minister ?

Here, he said "I know Sanjeevan personally and I will make sure that there are no police involved in the incident" 

I wonder whether one can consider this as intelligent statement when a crime had been committed and the person is fighting for his life. How can he make sure dirty cops are not involved when the person has already been shot? Sanjeevan was shot soon after his attempt to reveal the names of dirty cops in the force.

The video that probably trigger off the hit against him.

Kuala Lumpur is now definitely a crime capital of the world. There have been too many drive by shooting and most cases remained unsolved.

Yesterday, another man fell victim to the assassin's bullets. Arab Malaysian Development Bank founder Hussain Ahmad Najadi was shot dead in his car and his wife who was with him injured. 

The hit on Sanjeevan must be by hired killer hired by someone who want to silence him. 

Dirty cops are the lowest of the low life and should be hunted down and brought to justice. 

In spite of the increase in organised and dangerous crime and spate of drive-by killings the police seem to be sitting on its laurel, preferring to direct its effort to prosecute opposition politicians and bloggers over trivial issues.

Example must come from the top, the IGP and Home Minister must adopt zero tolerance against dirty cops and criminals under their protection.

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