Tuesday, July 30, 2013

MyWatch chief shooting brings crime to NEW LEVEL

MyWatch chief shooting brings crime to NEW LEVEL
Saturday's attempted murder on R Sri Sanjeevan, who heads the vocal anti-crime watchdog MyWatch has sent shivers down every Malaysian already worried about rising crime rate.
Sanjeevan who rose to fame for daringly exposing crime cases was shot in Bahau while in his BMW car. It is said that he had his window open and was smoking a cigarette when the incident took place.
Now in critical condition after a bullet hit his right rib, Sanjeevan managed to drive 300 metres before passing the driving wheel to his friend, B Ramesh who took him to Jempol Hospital.
List of police rogues?
A day earlier, Sanjeevan posted a tweet saying he was under threat, something he had accustomed to in his line of activism.
“A @PDRMsia (Royal Malaysia Police Force) cop told some syndicate fellow that he'll get them firearm & told them to fire few shots at my house to scare me/family!” he twitted.
Former police chief Musa Hassan, MyWatch's advisor, described Sanjeevan situation as stable.
Musa was the catalyst behind MyWatch’s fame after a series of public allegations.
The current police chief Khalid Abu Bakar has meanwhile given assurance of a thorough investigation by Criminal Investigation Department.
Meanwhile, Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli who met Sanjeevan last Friday during a buka puasa event claimed the victim had informed him of a soon-to-be-disclosed name list of police officers involved in drug dealing.
"But I told him we needed to be careful as these personnel were being internally investigated, there was no outcome yet and they were yet to be charged. I was not very encouraging to Sanjeevan," Rafizi was quoted saying by The Malaysian Insider.
Sanjeevan’s record in highlighting serious crimes is well known. He recently disclosed the claim of a former drug pusher who paid RM30,000 to RM50,000 monthly to police in Negeri Sembilan and Melaka in exchange of information of police stakeouts.
Early this month, Sanjeevan lodged a police report claiming he was harassed and trailed by several individuals.
In February, he reopened investigation on the brutal murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibu and private investigator P Balasubraniam, the case which is linked to the controversial purchase of Scorpene submarines from France.

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