Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sorry is the hardest word in school canteen row

YOURSAY 'Just admit you have overlooked certain things in life, Mohamad Nasir. We are not saints, to admit one's mistake is an honourable act.'

Facebook page set up to back Seri Pristana HM

your sayFellowMalaysian: What lesson can we possibly learn from SK Seri Pristana's hulabaloo, headmaster Mohamad Nasir Mohd Nor's cavalier and deliberate absence, and the ripples of negative reactions churning out from its fallout?

Had Mohamad Nasir, right from when the incident was first detected, be proactive and truthful enough as the headmaster of the school, acknowledge responsibility for the oversight and express contrite over the matter, I believe the ripples generated would have invariably disappeared by now instead of turning into dangerous waves like what has happened the past few days.

Malaysians has this aversion and antipathy towards admitting one's own mistake or error that it has almost become an institutionalised practice for our countrymen to deny any wrongdoings. And such denials will soon morph into ugly imbroglios if they are not handled properly.

Before we can ever hope to become a first world nation, we must be truthful enough to assume responsibilities of tasks assigned to us.

LittleGiant: Knowing that the canteen could not be used during the ‘puasa' month, the school's HM should have prepared ahead and made arrangements for a proper and suitable room or place for the non-Muslim children to have their food and refreshments.

It is extremely disappointing that supporters of the HM do not even understand that this whole expose came about due to the HM's lack of forethought and bad planning. The public have a right to expose the shortcomings and wrongdoings of civil servants.

Can these so-called supporters of Mohamad Nasir explain what is civic consciousness and living in a civil society all about? Most importantly, is it an appropriate move by netizens to form 'support groups' for civil servants who come under public criticism?

What is the message these netizens are sending to the civil service? That they will support civil servants who have not performed satisfactorily?

Jessy43: This is a weak attempt to divert from the original issue. Should someone now start a page in support of the mother who posted the pictures? Focus on issue, not on people!

Dr Suresh Kumar: The mother has the right to do whatever necessary to protect her child, including uploading the photos on her Facebook page. If she hadn't done that, this despicable act of the HM would have gone unnoticed as usual.

It is simply unacceptable to make the children consume food in an unhygienic area. This group of netizens can't see the forest for the trees and unashamedly asking for the arrest of the mother. Would this bunch of irresponsible netizens take it sitting down if their kids are subjected to such humiliating experience?

Only in Malaysia the victims get punished while the perpetrators go scot free. Why should the people stomach this any longer? I hail the disappointed mum's courage to post those pictures on the net.

Let this be a lesson to other future offenders who abuse their power, especially those who belong to the noble profession of imparting knowledge on our young minds. The Education Ministry should investigate this matter thoroughly and come clean on what transpired.

Abasir: I simply can't understand the logic of putting non-Muslim students in the changing/shower room for recess during the fasting month.

In my time in school many years ago, the Muslim students were allowed to stay in class or go to the playing field or even to the canteen while the non-Muslim kids went to the canteen as usual. The children were given a choice and there was never any problem at all.

I don't think there is anything wrong if Muslims see non-Muslims eating during Ramadan. Temptation is all around us, it's just a matter of your own resolve and your conviction.

PS: We are all racist, aren't we? It'll be hypocritical if we aren't. The fact that we are conscious of our race is itself racist in nature. This is where diversity, if well-managed, can help bridge the gap of racial distinction and thus discrimination.

I guess ‘Origin of Species' bring forth our notion of "territorial imperatives" and the fact that each race compete for space, needs and power is an undisputed fact the world over.

However, conflict can be minimised (though not totally avoided) by good leaders and good governance. Our laws are probably adequate but the "natural survival instinct" of the present leaders has blurred their visions and thus their ability to rule.

Cala: HM Mohamad Nasir, please accept we are not saints. The fact of the matter is SK Seri Pristana has an enrolment of 1,300 students. The students are split into morning and afternoon session due to inadequate facilities and classrooms.

Of the total student population, I have read somewhere that only about 30 are non-Muslim students. Mohamad Nasir may have considered this factor and organised the non-Muslims to take their meals in the shower room.

Pictures taken so far on the shower room reveal the limited seating capacity of the shower room. The HM remains a prime suspect of promoting discriminatory measure; as otherwise, he should have weighed other options to house the non-Muslims during recess.

Just admit you have overlooked certain things in life, Mohamad Nasir. We are not saints, and to admit one's mistake is an honourable act.

Boleh Land: Yes, the police must prosecute the mother who posted the shower room canteen photo on FB, and the attorney-general must charge her for the most serious seditious offend, and the judge must not grant her bail upon trial, and if possible jail her for life to silence those who expose any "twisted" incidence in Malaysia.

Then Malaysia become the model multiracial country in the world. - Malaysiakini

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