Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Stateless child Yanesha's plight nears end

The plight of stateless child N Yanesha in getting Malaysian citizenship is nearing its end.

The National Registration Department (NRD) has given her an identity card with the classification of citizen after almost 10 years.

harapan community menteri besar 250811 annou xavierThis was revealed by her lawyer Annou Xavier (left) to High Court judge Justice Rosilah Yop today when the matter came up for hearing.

“However, the status in her birth certificate has not changed as it is still written as non-citizen.”

Following this, Annou said the judge has ordered the NRD to rectify this and had given a period until Aug 21 for the matter to be brought to court to monitor whether the changes had been made.

Yanesha was born to a Filipina mother and a Malaysian father, and her status had been in limbo following the NRD not giving her the necessary citizenship documents.

[More to follow]

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