Thursday, August 1, 2013

'Balik Indonesia' SO WHAT? Two wrongs don't make a right - Ka Siong ticks off racist principal

'Balik Indonesia' SO WHAT? Two wrongs don't make a right - Ka Siong ticks off racist principal
Acknowledging the admission by the Shah Alam SM Alam Megah Principal regarding her ‘balik India dan China’ slur as reported in Malaysiakini (31 July 2013) as it came in a fairly timely manner, nonetheless, perhaps she should have taken more time to think about how to word her public reparation.
The Principal stated that because the students were being noisy while the national anthem was being sung, she corroborates her ‘balik India dan China’ instruction but attached a further ‘balik Indonesia’ comment to the Malay students as well.
Even more so, disciplinary actions should be taken
The students and parents contradict this version of events claiming the ‘balik Indonesia’ announcement was never made. Hence, her apology becomes insincere and is a cover up.
Cease and desist
If the statement is true, why do these sorts of comments even come to her at all? How would she feel if someone ordered her to go back to Indonesia? It is safe to assume that her rational by releasing the ‘balik Indonesia’ slur was an afterthought which would somehow ratify the situation as “all inclusive”. This logic of thinking is absolutely asinine.
Being disruptive during the national anthem does indeed warrant reprimanding; yet the series of incidents is not a reasonable consequence. The students are allegedly being disrespectful during the national anthem, so the Principal paradoxically tells them all to return to countries she assumes they originated from, including the students of her own race – the dichotomy over citizenship is satirical. If the allegations are found true, her behavior calls for severe action and nothing less.
The incident alone reflected our country poorly, but her apology even more so builds a seemingly intolerant and zealot image of Malaysia.
We are all rakyat Malaysia; patriotic and proud. Besides Malaysian citizens, any person who resides in Malaysia legally, with the necessary work permit and visa - whether he/she may be an investor, diplomat, expatriate or even the humble migrant worker does not deserve to be subjected to such bigoted hurls. Statements such as hers must cease immediately as they can taint Malaysia as racist, thereby putting off would-be investors and international relations.
Datuk Dr Ir Wee Ka Siong
MCA Youth National Chairman & MCA Education Bureau Chairman
Member of Parliament for Ayer Itam

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