Friday, August 30, 2013

Kohilan defends Waytha, ticks off Zahid

Amidst calls by fellow cabinet members for Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department P Waythamoorthy to step down, the latter has found support in Gerakan vice-president A Kohilan Pillay who called on the senator to “shoulder on”.

NONEKohilan (left) said that Waythamoorthy was only “playing his role” as deputy minister when he “voiced his concern” over the police shooting of five Indian suspected gang members in Sungai Nibong, Penang last week.

“Waythamoorthy was only playing his role as the deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department tasked with the responsibility to uplift the Indian community.

“It is understandable and reasonable for him to stand up defending the Indian community and to a greater scope the whole society on the grounds of universal human rights against any forms of social injustice and violence” he wrote in a statement today, saying such a move must not be frowned upon.

As such, Kohilan said there was no need for ministers such as Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, to “jump the gun” against constructive criticism “ well-meant to help and improve the enforcement by the police and local security”.

“It is hugely important for government leaders to be more open to criticism. Waythamoorthy should soldier on and not to compromise on any unreasonable demands to quit the cabinet simply out of their unwillingness to accept criticism,” said Kohilan.

NONEAside Ahmad Zahid (right), Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, and Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein had all called for Waythamoorthy’sresignation if he can’t stand in line with the government.

This was followed by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak himself, who told the senator to “toe the government line” as the latter is a member of the government.

Waythamoorthy was leading the Indian rights NGO Persatuan Hindraf Malay when he was handpicked by Najib as a senator.

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