Thursday, August 1, 2013

'Leave BN if you don't agree with sedition probe goad'

MIC, Gerakan and MCA should leave the BN coalition if they disagree with Umno Selangor's urging for sedition investigations against the SK Seri Pristana parent who exposed the shower canteen issue, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said.

NONEHe said that otherwise, criticisms like that by MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek's (left) admonition that Selangor Umno chief Noh Omar "must be crazy", would remain mere rhetoric.

"As long as MCA, Gerakan and MIC still work together with Umno in Selangor BN under Noh...criticisms against (him) for being crazy will be seen as another stage drama or wayang kulit that will be quickly forgotten in a week," he said in a statement.

He said the same principle should also apply to the SK Alam Megah case, where the school's principal admitted to MIC that she had told Chinese and Indian students to "balik India and China".

If not, he said, MCA's refusal to accept the principal's apology and for her to be charged with sedition "will not be taken seriously at all by Malaysians, especially Umno".
MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong in a statement today said the principal's apology is "insincere and a cover-up" and called for disciplinary action against her.
'Three wrongs do not make a right'
Lim, who is also Bagan MP, added that the principal's claim that she had also told the Malay students to return to Indonesia also does not absolve her as "three wrongs do not make a right".

NONEHe said the contradictory messages by the BN component parties also signal a serious discord between these ethnic-based parties and calls into question their relevancy.

"This only highlights the fact that BN component parties have nothing in common as they are basically mono-ethnic racist parties.

"However mono-ethnic racist political parties that exclude other races, can still work together in BN because they adopt a common objective of condoning corruption, abuse of power and crony capitalism," he added.

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