Sunday, September 1, 2013

No-longer-young Khairy should know BN is rotten to the core: SO WHY DOES HE STAY?

No-longer-young Khairy should know BN is rotten to the core: SO WHY DOES HE STAY?
KUALA LUMPUR - Khairy Jamaluddin or better known by the initials KJ appears to be coming of age. Malaysians on both sides of the political divide are beginning to warm up and take notice of a politician whom Mahathir Mohammad once described as an “upstart” a number of years back.
Whether KJ can now be described as an “upstart” is hardly likely and this guy has really stumped the predictions of political pundits. Once thought of as heading into political oblivion, KJ has become wiser to the shifting ground in Malaysian politics.
But he really will be a real wise guy if he decides, albeit, when the timing is perfect, to shift his allegiance across the political divide with a party such as PKR (Parti Keadilan Rakyat). PKR really fits the changed and now more matured politics of KJ.
This is because it cannot be denied that the future of the Malay community and Malaysians will fall onto the mantle of politicians like KJ, Rafizi Ramli, Nurul Izzah and Azmin Ali. This is the reason when the time is right and the political scenario changes, KJ should shift ground to PKR.
PKR has become the right ground for the formation and shaping of the future national leaders of Malaysia. KJ should be growing aware of this and to take notice that his thinking, personality and character will be better put to use and pay off handsomely with PKR rather than with UMNO.
The path higher up the hierarchy in UMNO is fraught with danger and difficulties for KJ. UMNO strongman Mahathir Mohammad still holds sway and wishes for members of his household to be on the top rather than sanction a higher appointment for the likes of KJ.
Besides this, it is obvious the changes that the politics of KJ have undergone are beginning to set him at loggerheads with UMNO’s hardliners and the leadership which is still bogged down by the old foggy Malay politics and whatever dilemmas and difficulties they claim to be suffering from time immemorial.
KJ’s current shifting stance and his views and opinions are the sort that is more likely to fall under the ambit of an organization like Pakatan Rakyat (PR) rather than the ultra-nationalistic and chauvinistic UMNO and Anwar and the elders of PR should begin to make overtures to KJ to set his political future in tandem with them.
The fate of KJ’s political future is on the opposite side
What would be a real crying shame is if KJ has not read the signs and signals that are flashing within UMNO and to take note that his career within UMNO is at a dead end. When he first appeared on the political scene KJ was doing great guns for UMNO.
But the prevailing realities of politics in Malaysia now have given him a reality check. He should only look no further than in the direction of his father-in-law, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and witness the cruelty heaped on the former premier by Mahathir and the right wingers in UMNO.
If KJ doesn’t sharpen up to the hard, harsh facts of UMNO politics, he is set to face a similar fate and this would be tragic for a Malay leader such as him who now has so much to offer not only to his community but to the rest of Malaysians as well.
Within PKR, KJ should take centre-stage eventually. With other young political hopefuls within PKR, KJ can set the tone and direction for the future leadership of the country. While he is not polished to perfection yet, the coming years should see him become a more resourceful politician provided he is influenced in the right direction.
This is the New Millennium and Malaysia has accordingly shifted to position itself in the borderless world. The rise of KJ and his adaptation to these facts are refreshing and he looks set to tread on the kind of path that right-thinking Malaysians see as exciting and meaningful.
If Malaysia’s top brass has to have leaders from the Malay community, Malaysians of all walks of life will feel comfortable and at ease with the likes of the new KJ. But within a political party such as UMNO that has ambushed and hijacked democracy, KJ is strait-jacketed and has to toe the line of despotic UMNO leaders.
This is why it is urged that KJ give serious thought and consideration as to his political future. If he chooses to persist and decide to put his whole weight behind UMNO in a do-or-die manner, it is really a foolhardy decision not to jump ship at the right time.
KJ would be well-advised that he will thrive and bloom to perfection as a politician under the manifesto of PR rather than to witness his political fortunes sink into the quicksand with UMNO if he fails to heed the time of when he needs to bail out of UMNO.
It is a long time in coming for Malaysia that Malay leaders who share the ideals of founding premier of the nation, Tunku Abdul Rahman, are now beginning to emerge in the aftermath of May 13, 1969 whereby Tunku was unfairly eclipsed from office by Abdul Razak.
Malaysians of the older genre especially have been waiting hopefully for young Malay leaders like KJ who can answer and fulfill the clarion call of Tunku which has been met with abysmal effect by succeeding Malaysian prime ministers after the departure of Tunku.
With PR, KJ’s star is set to shine ever so brightly
The New Millennium for Malaysia has been a tumultuous period in which there have been sweeping changes and the radical change for the better which KJ has undergone serves to show that he is coming right and on stream to become a major decision maker in the political process of this country.
But his future can also crumble as easily as a cookie if he chooses not to face up to the fact that, while he will get somewhere within UMNO, but within PKR and PR, he is set to see his political fortunes shine even more brightly.
Not only the Malay community have taken cognizance and noticed the transformation of KJ but Malaysians as a whole are pleasantly surprised that his metamorphosis has come right and he should plays his cards right to be with a political party such as PKR which is also growing to be increasingly popular and likeable with Malaysians.
The loss of interest and the eventual demise of UMNO are likely because the changes they have advocated are superficial and maybe even not for real, and this Malaysians, especially more and more urban and middle class Malays have come to realize now.
The fact that all along UMNO has stood for and promoted the Malay elite does not augur well for a politician of the making and stature of KJ. Mark time within UMNO KJ and when the time is right make the switch that will see you set to soar to the very top of the Malaysian political landscape or stick with UMNO and perish along with them.

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