Friday, August 2, 2013

Time to go, Chua told Time to go, Soi Lek told

Time to go, Chua told Time to go, Soi Lek told
PETALING JAYA: MCA division chiefs have taken the first step to bring down party president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek by lodging a complaint against him to the presidential council.
Titiwangsa MCA division chairman Datuk Alex Chuah Poh Khiang said there was no reason for Chua to hold on to the president's post any longer.
"He announced that he will step down as party president if the party does worse than its performance in the 12th general election," he told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today.
But it has been three months since the May 5 general election and Chua has not stepped down, Chuah said, adding that Chua's U-turn decision over his resignation reflected poorly on the rest of the party leadership.
Wangsa Maju MCA division chairman Yew Teong Look, who was among seven other division leaders also present, said a resolution was passed at the party's annual general meeting, that if the performance of MCA did not improve over that of the previous general election, MCA would reject all government posts.
Yew said: "As president of MCA, he also said he will resign as Penang Port chairman, but he has not done so. His actions are not in line with the resolution.
He said the Save MCA 3.0 representatives will file a complaint with the presidential council to take action against Chua.
"The presidential council should order the disciplinary board to investigate the complaint," he said, adding that the last resort would be to initiate impeachment proceedings against Chua.
"If impeachment is initiated, it will be through an extraordinary general meeting (EGM)," Yew said.
Paya Besar MCA division chairman Datuk Ng Fook Heng said the party is useless without holding any government posts.
"Until today, Chua has not justified his failure," Ng said. "He has not told us what to do or his next steps to revive the party. He should stop beating about the bush and step down."

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