Friday, August 30, 2013

TRIADS: 16 out of 49 in Sarawak - that's HIGH for one state

TRIADS: 16 out of 49 in Sarawak - that's HIGH for one state
KUCHING: Out of the of 49 secret societies in the country identified by the Home Ministry (KDN) yesterday, 16 are based in the state.
In announcing the list at a media conference in Putrajaya, KDN secretary–general, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahim Mohamad Radzi said the organisations were categorised as unlawful under Section 5 (1) of the Societies Act on Aug 28, 2013 through a gazette, P.U. (A) 272/2013.
Abdul Rahim said the secret societies were found to be involved in activities which could threaten public order, like
drug trafficking, criminal intimidation, rivalry and creating chaos.
With the announcement, Abdul Rahim said no person would be allowed to register the secret societies as an organisation. All their accounts, assets and property would be handed over to the Insolvency Department, he added.
Although the percentage of the number of gangs based in the state is alarmingly high, state Police Commissioner Datuk Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said yesterday the state’s crime scene was not as grim as in Peninsular Malaysia.
He said this is because gangs in the state were loosely organised thug groups as opposed to big organised criminal gangs like the triads in Peninsular Malaysia which had their own structure and hierarchy“Triad groups are more organised and have a leadership hierarchy, along with certain rituals for those wishing to join.
“It is different in Sarawak because the groups here are loosely organised and are made up of people who have the tendency to lean towards criminal activities,” he explained, adding that there did not seem to be any direct link between local gangs and triads in the peninsula.
He also said that gangs here were not registered under any organisation, nor did they have any specific logo or flags to identify themselves.
Acryl, however, stressed that the police here still viewed the matter seriously and will intensify efforts to nab those associated with the gangs.
“We will intensify Ops Cantas to track down and arrest any gang member under Section 105 of the Penal Code
for documentation purposes, and take immediate action against those found to be involved in criminal activities.”
“Even though the Prevention of Crime Act 1959 is not applicable here, we will continuously monitor the groups and apply the ‘Man-to-Man Marking’ system on active and aggressive members,” he added.
The 16 Sarawak gangs in the list are Ah Ngau, Batu Tiga, Ah Feng, Batu 10, Sibu Ti, Ah Seng, Ah Chin, Lee Lung, Sg Merah, Sg Bidut, Ting Ching Lee, Tua Cak Lee, Teksi Station, Pintu Merah and Krokop.
— Agencis

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