Friday, August 30, 2013

TRULY IDIOTIC, when cops behave like slaves of Umno: 'I is for Idiots' painter hauled up

TRULY IDIOTIC, when cops behave like slaves of Umno: 'I is for Idiots' painter hauled up
UPDATE2 KUALA LUMPUR - It looks like Umno and its bloggers are 'taking over' the country. By just complaining, they seem to be able to get the police to arrest anyone they have a grouse against, especially when the subject matter involves Islam.
The latest victim of the Umno "madness" and religious bigotry is artist Anurendera Jegadeva, aka J Anu. He has been called in for questioning by police following allegations by pro-Umno bloggers that his work had insulted Islam.
In what appears to be super-speed time, the police have also confiscated his collection of paintings which were exhibited at a retail mall in Solaris Dutamas.
"Just spoke with Nani Kahar, M50 curator. J Anu hasn't been arrested; currently safe, tmrw going to police station. 1 work confiscated," tweeted Fahmi Fadzil, the political aide to Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah.
And who are the idiots?
Anu's exhibition, held at Publika mall and titled "M50 Selamat Hari Malaysia", is in recognition of the nation's independence day celebrations this Saturday.
What appeared to have upset the Umno bloggers is a painting with the words "I is for Idiot" on top of the image of a chimpanzee riding a bicycle, a jet fighter pilot in front of the words "Mission Accomplished", and a red and white striped flag with a Jolly Roger skull and crossbones.
Deeming it to be an insult to Islam, the Umno bloggers went to complain to the police, who promptly took action.
"One must really wonder what is going on in @PDRMsia when they seem to be acting on what is offensive to pro Umno blogs," tweeted NGO Lawyers for Liberty.
According to Malaysian Insider, Sentul police chief Assistant Commissioner Zakaria Pagan said investigation papers had been opened under Section 298 of the Penal Code, for intent to wound the religious feelings of any person.
Growing religious intolerance encouraged by Umno?
The confiscation of Anu's work is the latest example of Malaysia's growing religious intolerance under Prime Minister Najib Razak's administration.
During the Ramadan fasting month, controversial bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee found themselves in hot soup after posting on Facebook a greeting to Muslims while eating 'bak-kut-teh' - a Chinese herbal soup made usually with pork but which can also be made with halal or kosher meats including chicken and lamb.
Soon after dog-trainer Chetz Yusof was also accused of insulting Islam after a video she made 3 years ago was reloaded onto You Tube. The video had shown her washing her dogs in a manner that was similar to Muslim ablutions.
Hot on her heels was a Singaporean resort operator who allowed a group of Buddhist guests to use his surau (Muslim prayer room) in Johor to perform meditation. The Singaporean, who is also Muslim, has been stripped of his Malaysian permanent resident status and the surau demolished.
Another still unresolved incident involves the Seri Pristana school in Sungei Buloh, where the headmaster had ordered non-Muslim pupils to eat in the shower area of the school toilet during Ramadan.
The headmaster, who is believed to have strong Umno connections, had been upset when parents complained. Accusing them of bringing negative publicity to the school, the headmaster appears to launched some sort of vendetta against the non-Muslim pupils involved. Complaining that their children were being shouted at and discriminated against by the Seri Pristana teachers, many parents have sought transfers to other schools.
Again the police appear to have rushed to take the headmaster's side against the parents, and the latest scandal that has erupted into the open is that the cops had even interrogated the pupils without first seeking the consent of the parents.
Malaysia Chronicle

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