Thursday, August 1, 2013

YouTube user who revived the dog video

While Maznah Mohd Yusof is investigated by the police, no action has been taken against the mysterious netizen who resuscitated her three-year-old video.
KUALA LUMPUR: Little is known about YouTube content owner “acaiseven fiska” apart from the fact that he enjoys taking joyrides on his motorcycle at night and is a fan of a Thai lady who performs native song covers.
His uploads are few – only three videos, and only one of them an original creation – and his profile picture is innocuous. It depicts a young male sitting across a desk from an old man.
But acaiseven fiska sparked a firestorm when he resuscitated Maznah Mohd Yusof’s three-year-old Hari Raya video of her and her dogs in his YouTube page on Monday.
Affixing the video with the provocative title “Video menghina Islam .. 1 hari di hari raya” (video insulting Islam. 1 day in hari raya), Acaiseven fiska wrote in its description:
“Lepas sekor2 mainkan agama islam… buruk btoi. Mohon ambil tindakan….mana menteri KDN….sila bukak mata sikit… SHARE DAN TERUS SHARE !!”
(One after another, these animals keep demeaning Islam… this is horrible. Please take action… where is the Home Minister….please open your eyes a little… share and keep sharing!!).
According to a screenshot in the video, some of the quotes were lifted from local Facebook community page, Tak Lawak Punnnnn.
The video, acaiseven fiska claimed, was sourced from the same Facebook page.
However, the Facebook page administrator who uploaded it 13 hours before acaiseven fiska did, has removed the video from the page and posted a news portal My News Hub article in which the dog trainer conveys her intentions behind the video.
The video and comments in acaiseven fiska’s page remain with the video, at the time of reporting, having received 116,558 views with comments continuing to flow in every second – some were fair, some offensive, and others downright ugly.
The majority of the commentators have accused Maznah of being deliberately provocative, and called for her to burn in hell.
Most of them interpreted the clip of Maznah bathing her dog as her mocking the ablution – the cleansing ritual Muslims perform before praying.
Money from ad revenue
Mohd Herda Fiza wrote on Monday: “terang2 dia basuh kaki anjing, pastu tunjuk kita amik air sembahyang. orang bodoh jer x boleh faham maksud.”
(It’s blatantly clear that she is washing the dogs’ legs, then it shows her taking her ablution. Only an idiot wouldn’t understand the meaning behind it.)
However, Maznah has since clarified to the media that she was merely demonstrating through the video the importance of cleanliness and caring for animals.
Other commentators presumed that non-Muslims were behind the “mockery” of Islam.
User Are Rift wrote: “diorang dah tak boleh nak bezakan … ni lah punca kepada islam akan dilekeh lekehkan oleh orang kafir , sebab kita sendiri yang bagi Green Light dkt Depa … kalau Dekat Arab atau tempat lain , Dah Mati Dah Budak Ni …”
(They cannot tell the difference… this is why Islam is mocked by infidels, we ourselves gave them the green light… if this was in Saudi Arabia or somewhere else, this kid would be dead.)
But other commentators, especially the more recent ones, have been supportive of Maznah as news of her true intentions behind shooting the video came to light.
Dyg Mustika Syaheeda Awg Musadat wrote today: “Learn her story before you judge.. saya tak tolak pun pasal hadis.. saya cuma ckp kalau nak menghukum seseorg tu, lebih baik kalau kita periksa dulu sbb2 dia.. ni tak.. terus nak maki hamun.. kalau kita ckp pasal islam, islam itu indah.. islam is peace.. but islam ke kita kalau guna kata2 kesat kalau menghukum org tanpa usul periksa? salam..”
(Learn her story before you judge… I did not reject any hadith…. I just said if we want to judge someone, it is better to check the background…instead you insult and curse…Islam is beautiful…Islam is peace… but is it considered Islamic to use derogatory words to judge someone without doing research first? Salam…)
Meanwhile, elliotmcbeal wrote: “I ashamed, not for the person who made this video, but of the bigot who twisted this to suit his own bigoted mindset. People like you should just die and burn in hell. Please do all the people of Malaysia and just go kill yourself with the rest of those ignorant buffoons who made life miserable for this woman.”
Amid all the uproar, acaiseven fiska has decided to capitalise on the issue’s notoriety for his “financial” gain by allowing advertisements in the video.
While money pours into acaiseven fiska’s bank account as more people watch the video, Maznah remains remanded in the Segamat police headquarters and risks being charged under the Sedition Act and Section 298A of the Penal Code.
That is the price she has to pay for reminding viewers three years ago to celebrate Aidilfitri together, irrespective of species, colour and origin.

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