Saturday, September 28, 2013

Deepavali bazaar draws mix reaction

While some shop owners welcome the decision to shift the annual bazaar to Masjid India; others seem against the idea as it may pull the crowd away from Brickfields
KUALALUMPUR:  The Federal Territory Ministry’s decision in not allowing Deepavali bazaars to be set up at Brickfields this year drew mix reactions from business owners within the vicinity.
Though some oppose the idea of having stalls in front of their shops as it might affect their businesses, others are more welcoming as it might draw bigger crowds.
Saree shop owner M Mahadevi, 50 said that they are expecting more sales this.
“Last year’s sales were not as good as previous years and it could be due to many reasons; one being the Deepavali bazaar at Bukit Jalil,” she said.
Mahadevi added that the only problem faced by the customers will be parking issues; as many fear being summoned even if they stopped for five minutes
Nevertheless, an employee from Sri Kumaran Silks explained that if customers were looking for quality sarees, they would get if from the shops and not bazaars.
“Stalls and bazaars will never affect the sales in shops as people return to us if they want quality sarees,” he said.
As for Senthilkumar, 39, he believes that stalls attract more customers.
“Hope I will be given a stall to promote my floral products and garlands,” said the florist who has been operating in Brickfields for more than 5 years.
Another shop owner, who wants to remain anonymous, agrees with Senthilkumar and said that having stalls around the area will indeed drive customers to make their purchases there.
“Knowing Malaysians, regardless of race, they will usually stop to check-out on services and goods. In a way, this will boost our business,”
Meanwhile a concerned Vasantha Muniandy, 49, who works in a saree shop, said that shifting the Deepavali bazaar to Masjid India will impact their business here, as goods can be sold cheaper there due to low operating costs.
“How could shop owners at Brickfields afford to lower their prices as the operating costs such as rentals and salaries are not cheap; as compared to the traders at the bazaar,” complained Vasantha.
Vasantha, who works at Bollywood Fashion House, said that usually there is a decrease in sales during festivals if there are shopping carnivals or bazaars.
On September 21, FMT reported that the Deepavali bazaar which used to be an annual attraction will no longer be held in Brickfields following an announcement by Dr Loga Bala Mohan on the ministry’s decision.
An Indian national, Balaji, said that the trend in Malaysia is very different as the government’s regulation can be an obstacle to daily operations of businesses in Brickfields.
“Deepavali is the time where we anticipate good sales for our shops but if the sales are diverted elsewhere, how do you think shop owners will survive then?
Balaji works in a saree shop that also sells cosmetics from India.
Shifting the bazaar a right move
Meanwhile, the Bombay Connection shop owner, who also wants to remain anonymous, said that his business is not affected as he targets the niche market.
Nevertheless his customer face parking difficulties; and this issue has yet to be resolved.
However, Brickfields Shop Owners Association Chairman, Barath Maniam said that the owners will still be given space outside their shops to extend their businesses; and they will not be affected by the bazaar sales in Masjid India.
“Those involved in the bazaar are small traders and the shops at Brickfields will not be affected by this,” Barath told FMT.
Barath applauds the ministry’s decision as it gives an opportunity to the small traders to do business during festive season.
“I would say it is the right decision by the Federal Ministry to allow small traders to operate in bazaars while big timers like the shop owners could operate their business as usual in their shops in Brickfields,” he said.

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