Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bung reveals his bang in Parliament

Bung Moktar Radin is known for shooting his mouth off. But the controversial BN parliamentarian reveals that he is also ready to shoot a real gun, and now carries one around with him.

According to the Kinabatangan MP, he is driven to carrying a firearm due to concern about the escalating crime rate in the country.

Bung revealed this when debating on the amendments to the Prevention of Crime Act 1959 (PCA) in the Dewan Rakyat this afternoon. 

"We see how premeditated murders and robberies are on the rise. In the past, I did not like carrying my pistol around because it is heavy. But following the shooting and murder cases...," he added.

Preferring to go down in a blaze of glory as opposed to being a sitting duck for his potential assailants, Bung stressed: "I would rather die in a shootout than be shot dead (unarmed)."

[More to follow]

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