Friday, November 1, 2013

Why are Malays obsessed with SUPREMACY? Is it brainwashing or their own insecurity?

Why are Malays obsessed with SUPREMACY? Is it brainwashing or their own insecurity?
The great UMNO assembly has come to a conclusion and the winners and losers are now known to all. But are Malays, and especially UMNO, satisfied with the circus show that reeked of another plethora of race-bashing and the absurd belief of subscribing to “ketuanan Melayu” or Malay supremacy?
Why are the Malays obsessed with being supreme over the minorities in the country? Are they being brainwashed by their leaders or is it just their bad nature, a sort of defense mechanism and sick insecurity to wish to rub it into the faces of the other races?
Tough questions although the answers are not difficult to find.
The recently-concluded UMNO assembly ended in a whimper and there is sufficient proof and evidence to suggest that UMNO is terribly dissatisfied with all that has materialized so far for the Malays and that is why there was a show of anger and resentment towards the other races by its leaders.
But when will UMNO leaders own up and admit to their faults and weaknesses instead of shifting the blame on the non-Malays? If only they will learn to play by the rules of “demokrasi tulen” or pure democracy instead of their tinkered version of democracy, all will be well for all Malaysians.
UMNO’s bizarre way and manner of implementing skewered democracy since they evicted Tunku Abdul Rahman from the prime minister’s chair is to be fully blamed for how Malaysia has evolved into a state of disarray.
There is historical evidence to suggest that it is not the Malays or Chinese or Indians that have failed the nation but the subsequent UMNO leaders since 1970 that have formulated national policies that have gone awry.
If Malaysia today is divided and disorientated and hardly getting anywhere, it is because of the foolish and foolhardy ploys of UMNO leaders that have caused and created the mess the nation is currently sinking into like quicksand.
UMNO must look to change
Transformation, real transformation and change are the way out for Malaysians. UMNO must understand and think not along racial or even national lines but along global principles as this is the era of globalization.
By being parochial and thinking along Malay ways only there is that grave and real danger that the nation will sink further into the quagmire and end up as a failed state or rogue nation. The signs and symptoms that Malaysia is suffering from the malaise and malady of being a devastated nation are already apparent now.
This is why it is high time for UMNO leaders to get back to their senses and put the interests of the nation above their self-seeking ways. There is that pressing need for UMNO leaders to change tack instead of harping on the same themes like a broken record.
UMNO as the so-called champion of the Malay struggle must wake up to the real situation in this country and go to the ground level to serve and address the needs of the people. This is what countries that are successful and happy have done though they are multi-cultural they have managed to get into the groove of globalization by facing up to the realities of life in today’s world.
Meanwhile UMNO leaders hold sway on this nation with their foggy ideas of their own and threaten and intimidate and frighten the Malays into thinking that the non-Malays are their common enemy. This is unnecessary, mischievous intent that is really motivated to get them to have a vice-like grip of the Malay vote that they might stay in power rather than share power with non-Malays.
UMNO leaders must not for a moment think that their real agenda is not known to the Malays and other races. The reason is simple. Their “sandiwaras” have been running even longer than most Broadway plays and this is why Malaysians have got wind of their intent and motives.
The agenda of UMNO leaders is simple – to make use of Malays to cling on to being the greater power in this country. But the results of the 13th GE, if it is to be analyzed fairly and accurately, shows a paradigm shift by Malaysian voters in favor of egalitarian values.
Malays have come to know and recognize and see through the ploys of UMNO and its leaders that they are not really serious or sincere but self-seeking and suffering from avarice and greed that knows no bounds.
This is the real dilemma that Malays suffer the fact that their welfare and well-being is being used as a pretext and excuse by UMNO and its leaders to cling on to power and to enrich self and promote elitism.
This is what has emerged as the real Malay dilemma.
The options for Malays
While the option for Malays might be to seek redress in the alternative front of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) there are certain drawbacks as shown in the run-up and post 13th GE. PR is not only a viable option for Malays but for the Chinese and Indian community as well.
The drawbacks for Malaysians in relying and putting their trust in PR is that they are a disjointed side with disagreements that have not caused them to come together but to emerge splintered.
This is why while a sizeable portion of voters, especially in East Malaysia, see PR as a viable alternative the attractiveness is diminished by the fact that the opposition coalition suffers from disunity.
This is the only reason why BN and UMNO are still in power. But If PR is able to be united and to be in consensus this will pave the way for Malaysians to opt for them as the political force of the future. But the fact is the rift within the three parties within PR is quite serious.
This definitely does put the future of Malaysians in limbo as to their political direction and leadership. They appear to be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.
The Malays in particular are the real community that is suffering from the backlash between BN and PR like the Malay proverb: “Gajah sama gajah berjuang, pelanduk mati ditengah-tengah” (The elephant fights with the elephant but it is the deer that is caught in between that dies)
Ever since the emergence of PR as a formidable political force, the nation of Malaysia has been in a state of flux as there is a pull by BN and a push by PR at the same time. This has caused no real growth and instead what has transpired is that the nation has stagnated.
Malays hold the key by being in the majority
It is really the Malays by virtue of being the largest group by race that have the strength in numbers to really call the shots. But unfortunately so far they have failed to use their pulling power to vote and to choose and decide for themselves the people that will be able to move them forward.
This is the reason for Malaysia going around in circles and not moving forward in this New Millennium. Malays have to be brave and honest and truthful in wanting to advance and prosper in life and the only way they can do so is to subscribe fully to the tenets and obligations of democracy.
Only by calling a spade a spade and by playing to the rules of the game can the Malays and other races in this country cause Malaysia to move forward and become a Great Nation. The way forward is to shun evil politics and the politics of deceit and go by those who uphold integrity and honesty.
This is the only way Malaysia can drag itself out of the throes of being a failed state. It is really up to the Malays and they hold the key to decide if Malaysia succeeds or fails. It is therefore advisable for them to think rationally, with their heads on their shoulders, and learn to move forward with the other races or face doom.
Malaysia Chronicle

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